Last Updated on 2021-01-04 by Clay
Given a 32-bit signed integer, reverse digits of an integer.
Assume we are dealing with an environment that could only store integers within the 32-bit signed integer range: [−231, 231 − 1]. For the purpose of this problem, assume that your function returns 0 when the reversed integer overflows.
Input: x = 123
Output: 321
Input: x = -123
Output: -321
本題給定一個 32-bit 的整數值,我們要將其數值前後對調,但要保證並不會發生 overflow。(若是反轉後 overflow 則回傳 0)
- 將數值轉成字串
- 反轉
- 比較 INT_MAX 和 INT_MIN 少一位數的大小(若相同時,則再比較個位數)
而在解題之後參考討論區的答案,這才發現其實可以不用轉成字串,一直連除 10 即可,不僅快也相當節省記憶體。
C++ 程式碼
class Solution { public: int reverse(int x) { // Init string s = std::to_string(x); if (s[0] == '-' and s.size() > 2) { std::reverse(s.begin(), s.end()); s.pop_back(); s = '-' + s; if (std::stoi(s.substr(0, s.size()-1)) < INT_MIN/10) return 0; if (std::stoi(s.substr(0, s.size()-1)) == INT_MIN/10 and std::stoi(s.substr(s.size()-1, 1)) > 8) return 0; } else if (s.size() > 1) { std::reverse(s.begin(), s.end()); if (std::stoi(s.substr(0, s.size()-1)) > INT_MAX/10) return 0; if (std::stoi(s.substr(0, s.size()-1)) == INT_MAX/10 and std::stoi(s.substr(s.size()-1, 1)) > 7) { return 0; } } return std::stoi(s); } };
Python 程式碼
class Solution: def reverse(self, x: int) -> int: s = str(x) s = s[::-1] if s[-1] == '-': s = '-' + s[:-1] ans = int(s) if ans > 2147483647 or ans < -2147483648: return 0 return ans
這一題使用 Python 解題都快要讓我有作弊的感覺了 XDDDD