Last Updated on 2021-06-08 by Clay
PyCharm is a famous Python IDE, other introduction you can refer the article I wrote: "PyCharm Installation Tutorial, A famous Python IDE". Today I want to note some common sense about "How to split screen in PyCharm".
It's a little bit funny, I have used PyCharm to develop for more than a year, but I never realized that PyCharm could split the screen and improve development efficiency.
Before I knew it, I always pulled the script file out and placed it on the other side of screen. Thank my friend, he tell me PyCharm can split screen by easy way, let's take a look!
Split Screen

This is my PyCharm screen. If I want to split my screen, I can right click the file I want to split.

You can select "Split Vertically" or "Split Horizontally".

And You can look at the code of your different blocks at the same time. Is it convenient?
Of course you can split PyCharm exaggeratedly.

But this is a bit scary! If you want to cancel the split, you can also right-click on the script file and select "Unsplit".

All in all, this is a convenient feature!