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[Linux] How to configure the shortcut to move Deepin desktop environment window to left side or right side

In past, I record a note about how to install Deepin desktop environment on Ubuntu in [Linux] Install Deepin desktop environment on Ubuntu. But in Deepin desktop environment, I am not comfortable with one thing.

Its default shortcut setting have no any way to support move application window to left side or right side!

God, it's a very very important function to me. Because when I programming, my screen is always show as the following picture:

After all, I must always check the data and confirm the functions...


Finally, I found a solution in this discuss:

Open the Control Center window, find the Keyboard and Language's Shortcut option:

Go to the bottom, click Add Custom Shortcut.

  • Name: Shortcut_Name
  • Command: "qdbus com.deepin.wm /com/deepin/wm com.deepin.wm.TileActiveWindow 1" (1 is left side, 2 is right side)
  • Shortcut: Keyboard combination

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