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[Solved][Linux] Too many levels of symbols links

In Linux system, we usually use ln -s to make the symbol link for folder. But today, I have a strange requirement: I want to make a symbol link of folder A under folder A.

If we use cd command to go into folder A, such as an INFINITE LOOP, we can keep entering the new A folder all the time.

In fact, this is a horrible thing! Don't do this!

But in the process of establishing I encountered the following problem:

Too many levels of symbols links

After inquiring, this problem was caused by the fact that when I created the symbol link, it was created under the folder that I used, which caused the link to lose its reference position. Therefore, as long as the "absolute path" is used when establishing a symbol link, there is no problem.

ln -s /home/ccs96307/A A/A

In this way, you can create your own symbol link under the folder.


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