Last Updated on 2021-09-08 by Clay
Open Terminal is a very important action for me. After all, the terminal can do many things that the graphical interface can not do, so there will be many tasks that can be run on the terminal.
In the past year, I was used Linux operating system, and I was used to being able to right-click in the folder to open the menu, and select "Open the terminal here" (or similar name, I not sure) to open the terminal.
It's very convenient.
But in Mac OS, I didn't find this option in Finder. Later, I search it on the Internet and found out that it needs a simple setting before it can be used.
Set To Open Terminal In The Folder
First, we click the Apple icon in the upper left corner and select System Preferences.
Select Keyboard.
Switch to the Shortcuts page, select Services, and check the New Terminal at Folder option
So far, the settings should be no problem. Let's test it briefly below.
We right-click on a folder, you should be able to find the New Terminal at Folder option, click it.
As you can see, we opened the terminal in the specified path.