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[VIM] Quick Comment or Uncomment Code

Last Updated on 2021-09-15 by Clay

In many IDEs, we can quickly comment the code of a region, and then quickly test different code, after the test, we can also quickly cancel the comment. Usually, it can be done by a shortcut key in the IDE.

In the famous Vim text editor, of course we can also do this, the following is a simple record of how to complete it!

Quick Comment Code

First at all, let's briefly list the steps to quickly comment the code!

  • Press CTRL + v to enter -- VISUAL BLOCK -- mode
  • Select the block to be commented
  • Press Shift + i to enter input mode
  • Enter the comment symbol (assuming it is //)
  • Press the Esc key (it is written on the Internet that pressing once is fine, but it needs to be pressed twice on my computer)

Step 1: Press CTRL + v to enter -- VISUAL BLOCK -- mode

Step 2: Select the block to be commented

Step 3: Press Shift + i to enter input mode

Step 5: Enter the comment symbol (assuming it is //)

Step 6: Press the Esc key

As you can see, we have successfully comment a large number of blocks quickly.

Quickly Uncomment

Quickly uncommenting is easier than adding comments:

  • Press CTRL + v to select the area we want to uncomment
  • Press d to uncomment

Step 1: Press CTRL + v to select the area we want to uncomment

This is almost the first and second steps of adding comment. The only thing to note is that since the comment symbol I demo is //, you will need to press the right button when selecting a block to directly eliminate the two rows.

Like this.

Step 2: Press d to uncomment

Successfully accomplished.


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