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[News] 2021-10-12 What Happened Today?

I am trying to pay more attention to the news happening in the world and record it here.

Tensions between China and Taiwan

China’s government want to reunited Taiwan with the mainland, but Taiwan’s government disagrees. This matter is no longer a secret.

China is a communist government country but Taiwan is a democracy government country. So the dispute between the two sides is very normally.

China is a stronger country, but Taiwan has the support of the United States. America does not want China to hold too much dominance in the Asia-Pacific region.

This weekend, Taiwan display their growing arsenal in national day parade. They spend big on weapons made in the USA. Include F-16 fighters, patriot missiles… the weapons valued at $5 billions were purchased from the United States.

Some people worry this defending Taiwan democracy against authoritarian China will push Taiwan and the United States into dangerous war, but it is so rarely to get the support from bipartisan.

After all, actively selling weapons to Taiwan is a rare Trump strategy retained by President Joe Biden.

Of course, there are many people who worry about angering China.

What is the largest, low-cost airline carrier in the world?

From the current point of view, it is Ryanair, Southwest, JetBlue, or Spirit.

With more than 730 planes and 54,000 employees, Southwest holds this title.

Recently, Southwest Airlines cancelled thousands of flights and cause great chaos. It was rumored that the employees went on strike, but officials denied this.

But it is undeniable that Southwest Airlines does not have public relations issues. Many passengers said that they did not receive relevant explanations and the flight cancellations came very suddenly.

Today I too late for reading CNN news and I need more sleep time.

Maybe I must be read them at the morning.


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