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[News] 2021-10-13 What Happened Today?

I am trying to pay more attention to the news happening in the world and record it here.

U.S. gasoline prices hit a seven-year high.

At this time in previous years, the gasoline price usually began to decrease, but just this week, a gallon of gasoline in the United States actually hit $3.27.

This is the highest price in seven years, there are several reasons for this to happen.

With the recovery of the world economy, the demand for transportation energy has been rising recently, especially in Europe.

In addition, the price of crude oil has risen. The price of crude oil and the exploitation of resources were originally controlled by OPEC (The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries).

However, the United States required an increase in oil production due to demand factors, but OPEC only intends to gradually increase it.

May be it is the reason for the high gasoline price.

Well, just reading CNN 10 feels that it is news that I am less interested in personally, so there is no record.

If you are interested, it is a little anecdote about the God of War in Greek mythology and the recent impact of COVID-19 on the marathon.

Maybe I should also find some science and technology news to read.


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