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[News] 2021-10-15 What Happened Today?

I am trying to pay more attention to the news happening in the world and record it here.

The tensor between China and Taiwan is rising. But in Taipei, people don’t seem to be worried

In the past few weeks, China has continued to send dozens of fighter planes close to Taiwan area, resulting in an increase in the defense awareness of Taiwan and other places towards China.

But no one talk about relevant topics in a park in Taipei. They seem to care more about afternoon tea and exercise than conflicts and wars.

Their relax attitude is very different from the leaders who have recently issued statements on the cross-strait situation.

Regarding the conflict between the two sides of the strait, some people even think it is a game of the upper class.

“For me, making money is more important,” she said.

Former U.S. President Clinton was admitted to the intensive care unit due to sepsis

Former US President Clinton recently admitted to a clinic in California. He was diagnosed with sepsis by a doctor, which may be caused by a urinary tract infection.

After the doctor gave antibiotics, the number of white blood cells declined and the situation is gradually getting better.

This is not the first time a health problem has been reported by former President Clinton. In the past, he had heart surgery in 2004 and 2010 respectively.

British Conservative MP David Amess was assassinated at the London Constituency Council

British Conservative Party member David Amess was assassinated at the London Constituency Council. The police confirmed that a man suspected of being involved in the assassination has been arrested.

This is the second time a British MP has been murdered in recent years. In 2016, Labor MP Jo Cox was also murdered in her electoral district.

Today I read several news discussing that China’s AI technology has taken the lead in the United States. However, I am doubt.

First, the AI in Europe and the United States has always been the world leader, and there are weapons-making videos circulating on the Internet. I don’t think China’s AI can be regarded as leading; conservative estimates, saying that is flat may be more convincing.


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