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[Solved][Linux] UNetbootin Cannot Load NTFS Format USB Flash Drive

Last Updated on 2021-10-18 by Clay

If we try to use the famous tool UNetbootin to make a bootable USB flash drive on Linux system, maybe want to install another operating system such as other Linux distro or Windows.

But if you cannot select your USB device on UNetbootin, It may be because the format of your USB device is NTFS or other formats.

Of course, you also have to make sure that it is actually connected to the computer.

Is it at this time that we just only give up and continue to look for other available software?

Of course not! we can try the following method.


In fact, we can forcibly set the path of USB device path.

First at all, I would suggest to use the df command to confirm which device is your USB flash drive.

Usually, if you do not set it manually but mount it by Ubuntu, it is mostly located under /media/USERNAME;

If you have manually mounted it, then obviously you already know which USB device is yours.

Then, we can use the following command to force the UNetbootin software to select your device. (SdX is a code name, you need to fill in your device name)

sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 unetbootin installtype=USB targetdrive=/dev/sdX


You should see that UNetbootin has selected your device.


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