Last Updated on 2021-10-20 by Clay
I used to share my files with different devices through FB Messenger or Google Drive. But today when I use the old way to share the picture I took, the image quality seems to be compressed.
So I changed another way.
I connected my Android phone (if you want to know, it is an OPPO phone) to my MacBook via USB type-c-to-type-c, I was surprised to find that I could not find the phone storage space.
After searching on Internet, I found that an application named Android File Transfer is needed to check the storage space. The following is a note about how to download, install, and use Android File Transfer.
How to use Android File Transfer
Step 1: Download Android File Transfer
Android File Transfer download link:
Select the DOWNLOAD NOW button to start downloading.

Step 2: Installation
Execute the DMG file that you download, drag the Android File Transfer icon to Applications Folder, and the installation will start.

Step 3: Open Android File Transfer
Run it.

If you see the following screen, it means that you have not connected your Android phone; it may be disconnected, not set to file transfer mode, or unlocked.

If you are connected to the Android device, you should be able to see your device name and internal storage files.

At this point, just drag and drop the files to the computer directory you want to put.