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[Linux] Rename a Large Number of Files With “rename” Command (Regular Expression)

Last Updated on 2021-10-23 by Clay

If we want to rename a large number of files in batches, in addition to writing script to use mv command, we can also use rename command to set a rule to match the file name (just like regular expression) to rename.

However, the built-in rename command is difference on different systems. In addition to referring to the record below, you also need to test on your environment.

Install rename


apt install rename

CentOS(prename: perl-rename)

yum install prename


brew install rename

The usage of rename command

Basic usage


Before renaming the file, you can use the -n to view the renamed result. Assuming I have three files F1, F2, F3, etc. I can use the following command to show the rename results:

rename -n "s/F/X/" *


'F1' would be renamed to 'X1'
'F2' would be renamed to 'X2'
'F3' would be renamed to 'X3'

You can show the rename results without really do that. (Note: * is mean the all files under the directory)

Insert string on the left (Use ^ symbol)

rename "s/^/A/" *


AF1  AF2  AF3

Insert string on the right (Use $ symbol)

rename "s/$/_/" *


AF1_  AF2_  AF3_

Delete the match string

rename "s/A//" *
rename "s/_//" *


F1  F2  F3


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