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[Solved][Linux] UNetbootin Have No GUI on Gnome Environment

Last Updated on 2021-10-23 by Clay

If you want to install another Linux distribution on Linux, sometimes we make the USB bootable flash drive with UNetbootin tool.

However, in the Gnome Desktop environment that comes with Ubuntu, sometimes the UNetbootin interface will not be displayed.

Looks like this.

Don't give up. We have some methods to find the missing interface.


It's a very famous problem so there are many solutions on the Internet.

  • Reinstall (StackExchange have a successful case)
  • Execute the program with Launcher instead of terminal
  • (Recommend) Prohibit sharing memory in Gnome environment based on Qt

The last solution, you can enter the following command in the terminal to start:

sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 unetbootin


I hope these suggestions can work.


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