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September 2024

Implementation of Using Finite-State Machine to Constrain Large Language Model Decoding

Last Updated on 2024-09-05 by Clay

This is a simple Python implementation, used to test Finite-State Machine (FSM) constraints for a Large Language Model (LLM) to decode responses in a specific format. It also serves as an introduction to the concept behind the Outlines tool. Of course, my implementation is far simpler compared to the actual Outlines tool.

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Structuring Model Outputs Using the Outlines Tool

Last Updated on 2024-09-03 by Clay

When applying Large Language Models (LLMs) in real-world scenarios, it's often not just about letting the model generate text freely. We might want the model to return specific structures, such as multiple-choice questions or providing a rating. In such cases, transformers-based models can directly use the outlines tool.

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Implementing Streamed Output Token Generation Using TextStreamer and TextIteratorStreamer in HuggingFace Transformers

Last Updated on 2024-09-01 by Clay


Generative models are becoming increasingly powerful, and independent researchers are deploying one open-source large language model (LLMs) after another. However, when using LLMs for inference or generating responses, waiting for a longer output can be quite time-consuming.

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