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[Linux] `ncdu` Disk Usage Analyzer Tool Note

Last Updated on 2024-10-12 by Clay

ncdu is a disk usage analyzer tool based on NCurses, mainly used to view and manage disk space. It provides a terminal interface to browse the directory structure, allowing users to quickly explore directories and see the size of each file or folder. This helps users identify directories or files that are taking up a large amount of space.

Download and Install

In most Linux distributions, ncdu can be installed using the built-in package manager:

Ubuntu / Debian

sudo apt install ncdu

CentOs / RHEL / Fedora

sudo yum install ncdu

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S ncdu


Check Disk Usage of the Current Directory


Check a Specific Directory

/path/to/directory should be replaced with the path you want to check:

ncdu /path/to/directory

Exclude Certain File Types During Analysis

ncdu --exclude '*.log' /path/to/directory


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