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LeetCode: 849-Maximize Distance to Closest Person 解題紀錄

Last Updated on 2022-01-16 by Clay


You are given an array representing a row of seats where seats[i] = 1 represents a person sitting in the ith seat, and seats[i] = 0 represents that the ith seat is empty (0-indexed).

There is at least one empty seat, and at least one person sitting.

Alex wants to sit in the seat such that the distance between him and the closest person to him is maximized. 

Return that maximum distance to the closest person.

Example 1:

Input: seats = [1,0,0,0,1,0,1]
Output: 2
If Alex sits in the second open seat (i.e. seats[2]), then the closest person has distance 2.
If Alex sits in any other open seat, the closest person has distance 1.
Thus, the maximum distance to the closest person is 2.

Example 2:

Input: seats = [1,0,0,0]
Output: 3
If Alex sits in the last seat (i.e. seats[3]), the closest person is 3 seats away.
This is the maximum distance possible, so the answer is 3.

Example 3:

Input: seats = [0,1]
Output: 1


  • 2 <= seats.length <= 2 * 104
  • seats[i] is 0 or 1.
  • At least one seat is empty.
  • At least one seat is occupied.

題目意思非常單純,給定一排座位的列表,如果列表中的元素為 0,則代表沒有人坐、反之若是 1,則代表已經有人坐了。




然而,若是連續無人坐的位置開始與結束的左右兩端都有人座,那麼無人座(假設為 n 個)偶數的情況為 n / 2、無人座奇數的情況則為 n / 2 + 1:


也就是說假設中間無人座的數量無論是 3 還是 4,實際上與人可以保持的間隔距離就是為 2。




Time ComplexityO(n)
Space ComplexityO(1)

C++ 範例程式碼

class Solution {
    int maxDistToClosest(vector<int>& seats) {
        // Init
        int l = 0;
        int r = seats.size()-1;
        int maxDist = 0;
        int tempDist = 0;
        // Left side
        while (seats[l] == 0) {
        maxDist = max(maxDist, tempDist);
        tempDist = 0;
        // Right side
        while (seats[r] == 0) {
        maxDist = max(maxDist, tempDist);
        tempDist = 0;
        for (int i=l; i<=r; ++i) {
            if (seats[i] == 0) ++tempDist;
            else tempDist = 0;
            if (tempDist % 2 == 0) {
                maxDist = max(maxDist, tempDist/2);
            else {
                maxDist = max(maxDist, tempDist/2+1);
        return maxDist;

Python 範例程式碼

class Solution:
    def maxDistToClosest(self, seats: List[int]) -> int:
        # Init
        l = 0
        r = len(seats) - 1
        maxDist = 0
        tempDist = 0
        # Left side
        while seats[l] == 0:
            tempDist += 1
            l += 1
        maxDist = max(maxDist, tempDist)
        tempDist = 0
        # Right side
        while seats[r] == 0:
            tempDist += 1
            r -= 1
        maxDist = max(maxDist, tempDist)
        tempDist = 0;
        for i in range(l, r):
            if seats[i] == 0: tempDist += 1
            else: tempDist = 0
            if tempDist % 2 == 0: maxDist = max(maxDist, tempDist//2)
            else: maxDist = max(maxDist, tempDist//2+1)
        return maxDist


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