LeetCode: 410-Split Array Largest Sum 解題紀錄
Last Updated on 2022-03-31 by Clay
Given an array nums
which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m
, you can split the array into m
non-empty continuous subarrays.
Last Updated on 2022-03-31 by Clay
Given an array nums
which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m
, you can split the array into m
non-empty continuous subarrays.
Last Updated on 2022-03-30 by Clay
在我使用 Google 試算表(Google Sheets)記帳的過程中,我會希望我有盈餘的數值是呈現綠色來表示、而虧損的部分則呈現紅色;這樣更能一目瞭然地了解當前的記帳狀況。
Read More »[Google 試算表] 設定在不同的條件下欄位的樣式Last Updated on 2022-03-28 by Clay
最近我開始逐漸喜歡上使用 Google 試算表(Google Sheet)來取代 Excel 來記帳,因為雲端同步加上可以在手機平板上共用實在是太方便了。而在記帳的過程中,由於我需要針對不同的品項去扣除不同的預算(Ex. 餐費就扣掉餐費的預算),所以一個個類別重新打字實在很麻煩...... 最後我發現,可以直接設定讓選定欄位(cell)出現下拉式選單,藉此來快速選擇我的消費類別。
Read More »[Google 試算表] 讓單元可以透過下拉式選單來選擇選項Last Updated on 2022-03-28 by Clay
There is an integer array nums
sorted in non-decreasing order (not necessarily with distinct values).
Last Updated on 2022-03-27 by Clay
Read More »[已解決][WordPress] 上傳主題時發生 "The Link You Followed Has Expired" 問題Last Updated on 2022-03-27 by Clay
You are given an m x n
binary matrix mat
of 1
's (representing soldiers) and 0
's (representing civilians). The soldiers are positioned in front of the civilians. That is, all the 1
's will appear to the left of all the 0
's in each row.
Last Updated on 2022-03-26 by Clay
Given an array of integers nums
which is sorted in ascending order, and an integer target
, write a function to search target
in nums
. If target
exists, then return its index. Otherwise, return -1
Last Updated on 2022-03-25 by Clay
A company is planning to interview 2n
people. Given the array costs
where costs[i] = [aCosti, bCosti]
, the cost of flying the ith
person to city a
is aCosti
, and the cost of flying the ith
person to city b
is bCosti
Last Updated on 2022-03-24 by Clay
今天我注意到我之前所寫的某一篇 LeetCode 解題紀錄中,居然缺乏了一部分的 Python 程式碼。我很自然地使用了題目的編號找到了該題,並從過去提交的程式碼中複製了 AC 的解答,並將其貼上我的文章,然後更新。
Read More »[已解決][WordPress] 更新時發生錯誤。無效的 JSON 回應。