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LeetCode: 2007-Find Original Array From Doubled Array

Last Updated on 2022-09-15 by Clay


An integer array original is transformed into a doubled array changed by appending twice the value of every element in original, and then randomly shuffling the resulting array.

Given an array changed, return original if changed is a doubled array. If changed is not a doubled array, return an empty array. The elements in original may be returned in any order.

Example 1:

Input: changed = [1,3,4,2,6,8]
Output: [1,3,4]
Explanation: One possible original array could be [1,3,4]:
- Twice the value of 1 is 1 * 2 = 2.
- Twice the value of 3 is 3 * 2 = 6.
- Twice the value of 4 is 4 * 2 = 8.
Other original arrays could be [4,3,1] or [3,1,4].

Example 2:

Input: changed = [6,3,0,1]
Output: []
Explanation: changed is not a doubled array.

Example 3:

Input: changed = [1]
Output: []
Explanation: changed is not a doubled array.


  • 1 <= changed.length <= 105
  • 0 <= changed[i] <= 105



我是使用排序的方法。使用一個雜湊表,從最小的值開始依序判斷起。如果當前值沒有在雜湊表中,則意味著是原始陣列的數值,陣列後方的值必定有其兩倍的數值,是故將當前值乘以二放入雜湊表中,紀錄有一個這樣的數值...... 如果當前值有在雜湊表中,則將雜湊表中的該值次數減一(因為可能會有很多相同的兩倍值,所以是用數值的方式來儲存)。

最後,如果所有值都有對應的值,則該陣列為 Doubled Array,反之則否。


C++ 範例程式碼

class Solution {
    vector<int> findOriginalArray(vector<int>& changed) {
        // Base case
        if (changed.size() % 2 == 1) {
            return {};
        // Sort
        sort(changed.begin(), changed.end());
        // Init
        vector<int> results;
        unordered_map<int, int> isNeed;
        for (int i=0; i<changed.size(); ++i) {
            if (isNeed[changed[i]] == 0) {
            else {
        return (results.size()==changed.size()/2) 
            ? results 
            : vector<int>();


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