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Implementing Streamed Output Token Generation Using TextStreamer and TextIteratorStreamer in HuggingFace Transformers


Generative models are becoming increasingly powerful, and independent researchers are deploying one open-source large language model (LLMs) after another. However, when using LLMs for inference or generating responses, waiting for a longer output can be quite time-consuming.

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Evaluating LLM Defense Capabilities Using the Microsoft BIPIA Framework

Currently, LLM services cover a wide range of fields, and Prompt Injection and Jailbreak threats to LLMs are growing by the day. A few months ago, a customer service LLM even provided incorrect information, leading to a loss of customer rights (although that wasn't caused by a prompt attack).

Microsoft's open-source BIPIA (Benchmarking and Defending Against Indirect Prompt Injection Attacks on Large Language Models) evaluation method, although tested six months ago without significant updates since, remains a simple and convenient testing method for the tasks I have at hand.

Read More »Evaluating LLM Defense Capabilities Using the Microsoft BIPIA Framework

Note Of Newton Polynomial

Newton's interpolation is a polynomial interpolation method that constructs a set of polynomial functions using multiple data points. A major advantage is that with the addition of new data, Newton's interpolation method does not require recalculations from scratch but can instead expand on the existing function.

Read More »Note Of Newton Polynomial

Using AutoModel.from_pretrained() In Transformers To Load Customized Model Architecture

To this day, many AI applications and open-source projects are developed based on the HuggingFace transformers package. A large number of models and packages are written to be compatible with the transformers format, and even share the same functions and methods, which makes them more widely accepted.

Under this premise, I came across an open-source training framework that conveniently wraps the automatic reading of Transformer architectures. However, one unavoidable problem is I want to use my custom model for experiments. I tried several solutions, hoping that when using AutoModel.from_pretrained(), by simply providing the local path to my model, I could successfully use my custom model architecture. This article records the method that worked.

Read More »Using AutoModel.from_pretrained() In Transformers To Load Customized Model Architecture