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[Linux] Explanation Of Sticky Bit (chmod 1777)


The sticky bit is an interesting application in Unix and Unix-like systems. It represents a special permission setting that offers more nuanced operations for files and directories. Most are familiar with file permissions, categorized into three distinct types: rwx (read, write, execute). The sticky bit goes a step further by regulating the rights to “delete” and “rename” files.

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[Linux] Installation And Use Of Open Source Anti-virus Tool: ClamAV


Although Linux is reputed to be less susceptible to viruses distributed by hackers, it still remains a highly valuable and economically efficient operating system, particularly as a stable server or development environment. Consequently, Linux is not immune to malware or hacker attacks, albeit less frequent than in Windows systems.

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[Linux] Increase Swap Space Using Commands to Prevent Memory Exhaustion

What is Swap?

Swap space plays an important role in Linux operating systems. It can be understood as a virtual memory space, where its name implies the act of swapping. Swap allows for temporarily writing less frequently used data to a fixed hard disk space to ensure stable system operation when the physical memory (RAM) is insufficient — this space is Swap.

Read More »[Linux] Increase Swap Space Using Commands to Prevent Memory Exhaustion