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[Python] Extracting Text from PPT Using the python-pptx Library


Recently, while handling some work-related matters, I noticed that the client might potentially need a way to extract text from PPT files. I discussed this with the PM and my supervisor, and they mentioned that the client could simply copy the text from the PPT slides manually. Unless the client explicitly requests us to extract it programmatically.

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[Machine Learning] Vector Quantization (VQ) Notes

The first time I heard about Vector Quantization (VQ) was from a friend who was working on audio processing, which gave me a vague understanding that VQ is a technique used for data feature compression and representation. At that time, I still wasn't clear on how it differed from dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA.

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[Linux] Use the batcat Command as a Replacement for cat, Highlighting Code or Configurations

batcat or simply bat, is a replacement tool for the cat command. It retains the functionality of cat for displaying files, while also highlighting keywords in code or configuration files, making it more convenient for developers to browse daily tasks or code files (thus, it's definitely a productivity tool!).

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[Linux] TL;DR: Replace man with tldr to Read Command Line Manuals

man is the traditional documentation tool for UNIX/Linux systems, but the detailed nature of its output can be overwhelming for users who just want a quick reference on how to use a command. Therefore, a simplified version called tldr was created (short for "too long, didn't read"). It focuses on providing concise, easy-to-understand command documentation.

Read More »[Linux] TL;DR: Replace man with tldr to Read Command Line Manuals

[Linux] bpytop: A More Modern and Visually Appealing Resource Monitoring Tool Compared to htop

I've been looking for a more visually appealing alternative to htop for a long time. A few years ago, during a gathering with friends, I happened to pull out my laptop to fix a docker segmentation fault issue in the lab. One of my friends saw my htop and remarked, "So primitive~ Engineers are so boring~" I still hold a grudge for that (just kidding, of course).

Read More »[Linux] bpytop: A More Modern and Visually Appealing Resource Monitoring Tool Compared to htop