[Python] Tutorial(15) Class
The class of Python is the basically type of module designing. It is also the object-oriented of Python.
We can give the object a function to copy some properties if we need.
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(15) ClassThe class of Python is the basically type of module designing. It is also the object-oriented of Python.
We can give the object a function to copy some properties if we need.
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(15) ClassToday my Python note will introduce how to use the package "os" and how to use read and write the file.
Especial we do some NLP research, Reading or Writing a file is a necessary skill.
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(14) os, read and write the fileThe most familiar game Monster Hunter is back! For the game of ancestor of the "Large-scale-co-playing" game, I even give up a report of a game (technology competition), of course this is a bad demonstration! Since the game selling date, I have been fighting all the way, and returned to the high school times again with my friends and bros. The carefree time to enjoy the hunting monsters let me thinking about the Monster Hunter when I going to lab to run the experiment!
Read More »[PS4] 《Monster Hunter World: Iceborne》(MHWI) Play ExperienceThe process of coding, it always have some bug.
Sometimes, we maybe think about any situations we can consider, but the wrong always happening. It is even have wrong happening after we execute the program for a long running time. And we don't know!
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(13) try & exceptBefore we start, I need to explain the concept of "Package". Calling the "package" to "package" is my habit, if you feel my teaching is wrong, welcome to message me, very thanks. Because in the field of programming, I am just a little rookie.
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(12) Import package: time, datetime, mathPython has many kinds of data types, so it's hard to me to give examples of all of them.
So, I introduce the data type we use in Python by simple today.
"Tuple", as similar as List. We can store the different data type value in them. But tuple we can't add, remove, update our value in tuple.
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(11) Tuples, Sets, Dictionary"List", is a most commonly used data type in Python. Of course, if you are learning Machine Learning. (The most commonly used data type probably is Numpy.)
If you are used to reading tutorial of Python official, maybe you can refer to this website.
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(10) List, Array of PythonI want to share with you how to use a important feature "lambda" today.
This is a feature that I didn't use often. After all, I am too lazy, haha.
I always feel that I can use "def" directly XD (This is not a good habit
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(9) lambdaThe previous tutorial teach how to create a basically function. Today I note a skill I rarely to use, the value we will give function: default, *args, **kwargs.
The explanation part will a bit in my way, I guess you go trying more different code, don't care about my nonsense. Hahahahaha.
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(8) function, default , *args, **kwargsThe "function" is part of the programming language structure.
I think we can simply define it as "program components that can be called multiple times after being packaged."
Read More »[Python] Tutorial(7) function