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[Linux] Install Deepin desktop environment on Ubuntu

Last Updated on 2021-07-25 by Clay

Deepin is an Unix-like operating system, it is developed by Wuhan Deepin Technology Co., Ltd.

Because its desktop environment is very, very beautiful, its memory cost is greater than other Linux system.

I didn't actually test it, so I have no any numerical results to share, but with the use of experience, I think that generally Linux (like Debian) is more smooth.

If you appreciate Deepin's beautiful desktop environment, but do not want to install a complete operating system, you can try to install the desktop environment on Ubuntu.

Install Deepin desktop environment

Before we start, I recommend use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Long Term Support) version to install. Check the version, let's start!

First, add the ppa of Deepin to the system.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:leaeasy/dde
sudo apt-get update 

After add PPA, we can install dde (Deepin-Desktop-Environment) now.

sudo apt install dde
sudo apt install dde-file-manager

We will see a display manager message, select "gdm3".

Configuring lightdm
Default display manager:



gdm3 is a display manager of GNOME, if you Ubuntu version is 18.04, it is the safest choice.

And then, we reboot the computer and choose the "Deepin" desktop-desktop-environment, You will find that the environment becomes beautiful, but the application is still the same.

In order to avoid this situation, we also need to install the Deepin theme:

sudo apt install deepin-gtk-theme
sudo reboot

After rebooting, there should be a small gear icon next to "Sign in" button under your account. Click and select Deepin. After opening it, you will see Deepin's desktop environment.

We will see:

Beautiful starry sky desktop
My Google Chrome open
The display of various applications
Beautiful right side setting menu

I wish you all can beautify your desktop smoothly!



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