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[Linux] Install Ubuntu 18.04 using VirtualBox

In the process of developing programs, many people should appreciate the advantages of Linux. After all, Linux is compatible with most packages, and you can customize any functions you want. This is difficult to see on Windows.

Of course, Windows has its own advantages, such as great Office software, and its desktop environment is relatively stable.

If we want to use these two different operating systems at the same time, maybe we can consider using the so-called “VM” (Virtual Machine) to install one the our OS. This is also the topic of today: how to install Ubuntu on our computer via the tool VirtualBox.

If you don’t need a graphical interface, but just need a Linux development environment, you can check out my other article: Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, the Linux subsystem on Windows.

What is VirtualBox

VirtualBox is free software under the GPL, and open source code is provided. Its function is to “simulate” other operating systems on its own operating system. And we will use this tool today to install the virtual machine.

In addition to VirtualBox, there are other tools that can do this, such as VMware is a similar tool.

Installation steps

Due to the long download time, we need to download the ISO file of Ubuntu 18.04 first. Come to the following website:

Choose the desktop version of Ubuntu 18.04 and choose 64-bit, then start the download.

During the download process, we can first download the VirtualBox to save time. Go to the official website of VirtualBox:

Click Download Button in the center.

Choose your own operating system, download it, and click install.

Always the next ~
Yes (Y)
Install (I)
Install (I)
Finished (F)
If you see this screen, it means the installation is complete

Click “Add” above, and the following window will pop up:


See how much memory your machine can load, or how much memory you want to allocate to the virtual machine.

The more resources are allocated, the smoother the virtual machine will run; however, conversely, it may also affect the operating system actually installed on your computer.

After deciding how much memory to allocate, choose Next.

If there is no special reason, set it up immediately!

Just select VDI.


Build it, and we can see that the basic virtual machine has been established.

Then we will configure the ISO file to be installed, and click the setting of the yellow gear above.

Select “Storage Device”, go to “CD Drive” under “Properties”, select “Virtual CD Drive”, and then select “OK”. (There may be a problem with the translation of the name here)

Then, select “Start” and it will automatically enter the ISO installation program of our choice.

Install Ubuntu.



We can see that it says that this computer does not detect any operating system, so we directly select the first option and then Install Now.

This message may pop up. This is just talking about the disk format. Basically, you can just continue.

Because I am in Taipei, so just continue directly.

Fill in the name and password on your host, and then Continue.

The installation begins.

You will see this screen after installation, just Restart now.

Then return to the main screen.



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