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[MacOS] Create a Shortcut to Open Terminal

Last Updated on 2021-10-10 by Clay

After I move my workspace environment from Linux to Mac OS, I'm not used to have no any shortcut key to open terminal(

Fortunately, after searching on the Internet, I found the configuration method and I recorded it here.

Configure shortcut keys

To set the shortcut key to "open terminal", you need to do the two steps:

  • Write the command "open terminal" as AppleScript (Apple-specific script)
  • Set AppleScript as shortcut

Step 1. Build a AppleScript

Open Finder > Applications > search automator > open Automator.

Select Quick Action.

Searching as left side, find Run AppleScript, drap it to the right side, and we can start to write our command.


on run {input, parameters}
    tell application "Terminal"
        do script
    end tell
end run

Select execute key(arrow shape), and execute it can open terminal or not.

After confirming that it can be executed, use command + s to save. I named it Open Terminal. You can open the Finder to search for the existence of this file.

Found it and double-click to execute and install. You can confirm whether there is a .workflow file with this file under Library/Services.

Step 2. Set a shortcut key

Open System Preferences > Keyboard.

system preferences

Select Shortcuts > Services > set Open Terminal shortcut key.

I select a shortcut keys that is similar to the Linux shortcut keys: control + command + t.

If you need to be able to use it anywhere, add App Shortcuts.

After that, you should be able to call the terminal according to the shortcut keys we set.


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