Last Updated on 2024-07-25 by Clay
coding-interview-university is an open source project on Github, which contains study notes prepared by Amazon AWS engineer John Washam. As of April 2021, the projects has 165,000 stars.
In the README of the project, he suggested to fork this repository and use markdown to control your study progress; but in addition, he also mentioned that it is impossible for people to fully remember the knowledge they have learned. After studying for a few months, he spent a lot of time turning his notes into cards to review.
I want to follow this learning method: I have to follow the learning route he provided while making my own notes instead fork-and-use-markdown.
So this directory page was born.
Study Notes Directory
- C Programming Language(References: The C Programming Language Second Edition)
- C++
- Python Note
- [Python] Tutorial (1) Download, and print "Hello World"
- [Python] Tutorial (2) Additional, subtraction, multiplication, division, String, Variable
- [Python] Tutorial (3) for-loop, if-else
- [Python] Tutorial (4) break, pass, continue
- [Python] Tutorial (5) Boolean, True, False
- [Python] Tutorial (6) greater than, less than, equal to
- [Python] Tutorial (7) function
- [Python] Tutorial (8) function, default , *args, **kwargs
- [Python] Tutorial (9) lambda
- [Python] Tutorial (10) List, Array of Python
- [Python] Tutorial (11) Tuples, Sets, Dictionary
- [Python] Tutorial (12) Import package: time, datetime, math
- [Python] Tutorial (13) try & except
- [Python] Tutorial (14) os, read and write the file