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[Linux] Expert System Clips Installation Note

The full name of Clips is C Language Integrated Production System. It is a so-called "expert system" and a branch of artificial intelligence. It was used in aviation and other fields in the early years.

Of course, when artificial intelligence is mentioned in recent years, most people will think of neural networks.

Clips is different from general programming languages. The scope of application is roughly the inference machine for formulates rules. It can quickly complete a simple inference system, which is its outstanding place.

The installation on Windows or Mac OS is actually all you need to download from SourceForge, but in Linux system, you need to install the core and compile it, so it is relatively troublesome.

The purpose of this note is to record how to install the current Clips 6.3x version in Linux system.

Install CLIPS

You can go to the website:

You will see the page like this


Compile Core

Go to the download directory, unzip it first, and then enter the unzipped folder to compile.

cd clips_core_source_631/core/
sudo make

If there are any error in the make process, you can use the following command to compile again.

gcc -o clips -DLINUX=1 *.c -lm

If there is still an error, you can change to the following command:

gcc -o clips -DGENERIC=1 *.c -lm

After compiling, the following files should appear:

The clips file will appear

Use the following command to enable Clips:





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