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[Flutter] How To Change The App Name

When we developing a Flutter App, we named a temporary name in the first build. But in the process of development, perhaps changes in functions or changes in ideas, we may have to change the name of the App to a different one.

In the Flutter project, if we want to change the name of the App, the steps we need to perform are different depending on the Android and iOS platforms.

The following will record the practices of the different platforms.

Change the App name


We can edit the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file, change the APPNAME attribute:


This will change the name of the App. If there is an old version of the App in the test device, it may need to be removed and reinstalled.


To edit ios/Runner/Info.plist file, and change the APPNAME attribute:


If there is an old version of the App in the test device, it may need to be removed and resintalled.


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