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[Solved][WordPress] Featured Image in Neve Theme Cannot Be Centered

Last Updated on 2021-10-17 by Clay

Today after I changing the website theme to Neve, all of featured images I set for article are all become aligned to the left.

It make my article head looks so weird.

So weired

So how should we solve this problem? in fact, we can customize the css style to solved it.


Step 1: Go to Appearance

First, Go to WordPress wp-admin backend, Appearance > Customize.

Step 2: CSS stylesheet

Add the following code to CSS stylesheet:

.nv-thumb-wrap img, .nv-post-thumbnail-wrap img {
    display: block !important;
  	margin-left: auto !important;
  	margin-right: auto !important;

In this way, the selected image of the Neve theme will automatically apply this setting, so that the selected image is placed at the beginning of the article.


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