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[Solved] Unity Main Camera Cannot Capture Objects


Today when I testing the developed game, the Unity Main Camera suddenly cloud not capture any game objects. However, if I open another project, Main Camera can work normally.

It means that the problem is my project settings, not a bug in the Unity editor.

According to the method I found, it was finally solved after actual measurement. The possible problems are recorded as follows:

  • Object is hidden
  • The Clipping Planes value of the camera is incorrect (My case)


Situation One: Object is hidden

Check whether there is a check before the object name in the Inspector; if it is unchecked, the object is not visible.


Situation Two: The Clipping Planes value of the camera is incorrect

Run the game on test mode and adjust the Clipping Planes value of Main Camera until the game object is visible.

The above is the introduction of how to solve the Unity Main Camera cannot capture game object.


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