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[WordPress] How to Create a Sidebar Twitter Follow Button

Recently I build a new website, and I try to create a FB Fans page and Twitter account for sharing articles.

I do these because the articles of new website are game news, the news need high impression. A good and interesting game presentation is very attractive in half a day, but after a week, it became common sense among players.

In blog, writing detailed notes and search engines will naturally bring traffic may not work on another website.

In view of this, I studied Twitter’s embedded sidebar widget, which is actually quite interesting.

The following I record of how to put a Twitter follow button on website sidebar.

Twitter Sidebar Widget

The most of WordPress themes we can use Appearance > Customize option to adjust the theme settings, of course you can insert html code on SideBar.

The easiest way is to insert widgets, search Twitter to find the Twitter component, and then insert our Twitter URL link.

If you embed it directly, you will see the Twitter style on the side of the website as follows:

Kuro no Kiseki Character

In fact, we can adjust the embed style.

Go to and enter the Twitter account url.

The Embedded Timeline on the left has the same display effect as the one embedded in WordPress, but there are many more detailed settings that can be adjusted.

Click the set customization options of the following picture.

And you can change the height and width, background color and languages.

The website generate HTML code, so we need to add customize HTML widget instead of Twitter component on WordPress.

Paste the HTML code into customize HTML widget, and you can see the display effect.


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