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[Linux] Use XFCE Terminal to Display The Terminal Background

Last Updated on 2022-07-28 by Clay

I wonder if you often adjust your terminal to make it looks more beautiful?

I am a person who likes freshness and gets bored easily, so every once in a while, I feel dissatisfied with the terminal I usually use, and want to change the text color, the angle of the corners...

After recently changing the background of the terminal to transparency, I accidentally found that the terminal looks good with my wallpaper! So I started trying to find how to directly add a background to the terminal.

After searching on the Internet, I found many people recommend xfce terminal, so I record the article about how to do it.

Use XFCE terminal and change background

Step 1: Download xfce Terminal


sudo apt install -y xfce4-terminal


su -c "yum groupinstall xfce"

Step 2: Change the Background

Edit > Preferences... > Appearance and you can open the setting menu:

Select the up-arrow icon and you can choose a localimage. The Style is the padding mode of image, you can try it for free.

The following is some images I used:


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