In Ubuntu operating system, most of the software is installed and managed by APT. However, if the software we need is not officially included, we usually use the PPA (Personal Package Archive) to install the software.
Sometimes when we downloading a file via crawler, maybe network fluctuations or other work interrupt us ...... but we don't have to download the file again.
If we can resume our downloading in breakpoint, we can resume the download progress, continue to finished it.
Linux is an operating system that can do all the functions you imagine
Courtesy of Wiki
For a long time, if we want to use Linux OS to connect to Windows with graphic user interface, we have many choices, such as Chrome remote, Teamviewer, RDP ... etc.
Today I want to record how to configure Linux to use RDP software to connect to Windows. At the beginning, I want to say that these two different operating systems might be in conflict with each other, and they are not so easy to configure. In fact, it takes less than 20 minutes to configure.
Linux is an operating system that can do all the functions you imagine
Today I saw the news and found the sudo tool commonly used in unix-liked operating systems has a heap overflow BUG (number CVE-2021-3156).
At present, it has been confirmed that full root permissions can be obtained in the following version:
Ubuntu 20.04(sudo 1.8.31)
Debian 10(sudo 1.8.27)
Fedora 33(sudo 1.9.2)\
According the news, as well as several discussion forums I have roughly read, almost all of them are suggesting that everyone quickly upgrade the package version. This bug was be found in 2021/01 and was notified to the sudo development group.
After a week, the new version of the fix was already online.
And then, I record how to upgrade our sudo package version.
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When we using Chrome browser, sometimes if we went to HTTP website, the browser will redirect to the HTTPS website. (I'm not sure other browser will help us to do it)
Sure, if it can help us to redirect the SSL website is better, but when we are develop a new website and we need to test it step by step, redirect to HTTPS website is trouble. It may be make us can't test our website.
Everyone is familiar with the compressed file. These compressed file means that we compress one or more files and folders into a file, which is also call archiving.
In addition to archiving, according to the different compression format algorithms, some can even compress the file size to help us better store and transmit these files.
But what if we need to restore the compressed file back to the original file? At this time, we need to decompress according to different compression formats.
Today I want to record how to use Python module zipfile to compress or decompress some fiile as ZIP format.