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Simple Transformers (1) - 基本介紹

Last Updated on 2022-05-22 by Clay

介紹 Simple Transformers

Simple Transformers 是一個 Python 的 NLP 套件/框架,旨在減少使用 Transformer 模型時的複雜步驟。能夠讓使用者透過短短幾行的程式碼,快速實現一個 NLP 任務的深度學習模型訓練環境。

而它的簡化工作,顧名思義,當然是基於 Hugging Face 團隊和他們的 Transformers 套件。Transformer 是一個很強力、方便的架構,最早提出是在 Google 的 《Attention Is All You Need》 這篇論文中。而往後的數年,BERT、Roberta、ALBERT、XLNET、T5...... 等等強力的預訓練模型一個接過地橫空出世,迎來了 NLP 任務的全新時代。

而 Simple Transformers 所提供的簡化工作內容,是將常見的 NLP 任務類型,包括文本分類、QA、語言模型… 等等都先定義好一個類別,所以每種特定任務類型都會有一個屬於自己的 Simple Transformers 模型可以直接套用。


  • Text Classification
  • Token Classifcation
  • Question Answering
  • Language Modeling
  • Language Generation
  • Multi-Model Classification
  • Conversational AI
  • Text Representation Generation

而每一個特定任務,都會依循著 Simple Transformers 定義的使用模板:

  1. 初始化(initialize)
  2. 訓練(train)
  3. 測試(evaluate)
  4. 預測(predict)


看到前一位同事留下來、應由我交接的程式碼中,清楚地使用 simpletransformers 套件完成了訓練工作,trace code 起來哪叫一個輕鬆。


(備註:安裝時,建議使用 conda 或 python-venv 這類的虛擬環境工具)


wabdb 是一個可以在 Web 瀏覽器中追蹤並可視化實驗進度的工具。

pip3 install torch
pip3 install transformers
pip3 install simpletransformers
pip3 install wandb


而 simpletransformers 是基於 Hugging Face 所開發的 transformers,所以建議都將其更新到最新的版本。

pip3 install -U simpletransformers
pip3 install -U transformers



如同上述,Simple Transformers 的使用方法是依照你目前要解決的 NLP 任務類型。


  1. 依照你的任務類型,建立起對應的模型
  2. 使用 train_model() 來訓練模型
  3. 使用 eval_model() 來評估模型
  4. 使用 predict() 來讓模型進行預測(使用無標記資料)


Binary and multi-class text classificationClassification
Conversational AI (chatbot)ConvAIModel
Language generationLanguageGenerationModel
Language model training/fine-tuneLanguageModelingModel
Multi-label text classificationMultiLabelClassificationModel
Multi-modal classification (text and image data combined)MultiModalClassificationModel
Named entity recognitionNERModel
Question answeringQuestionAnsweringModel
Sentence-pair classificationClassificationModel
Text Representation GenerationRepresentationModel
Document RetrievalRetrievalModel



要建立一個特定任務的模型,最重要的就是 model_type 以及 model_name 這兩個參數。

  • model_type: 需要填入支援的模型架構(比如說 BERT、XLNET…)
  • model_name: 需要填入已經有架構及權重的預訓練模型,最常見的就是 Hugging Face 的 transforms 預訓練模型、或是你自己保存含有模型文件的目錄


# coding: utf-8
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel

# Load a pre-trained model
model = ClassificationModel(

# Load a community model
model = ClassificationModel(

# Load a local save
model = ClassificationModel(

CUDA 相關配置

如果你要啟用 CUDA,可以將 use_cuda 設為 True。

# coding: utf-8
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel

model = ClassificationModel(

但要注意的是,如果當前 CUDA 屬於不可用的狀態(比如說並未安裝相關 library),那麼這個參數會讓你的腳本報錯。

所以文檔中是建議搭配 torch 的檢查機制來決定是否啟用 CUDA。

# coding: utf-8
import torch
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel

cuda_available = torch.cuda.is_available()

model = ClassificationModel(


Simple Transformers 的模型自然包含了相當多的參數提供使用者選擇。而正如前述,有許多的參數是特定任務所特有的,但與此同時也有許多參數是深度學習所共有的,比方說 batch size 跟 learning rate 之類。



如果我們要把這些參數設定給模型,可以使用 Simple Transformers 所提供的 dataclass、或是直接使用 Python 的 dictionary。(我並不確定兩者的優劣


from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel, ClassificationArgs

model_args = ClassificationArgs()
model_args.num_train_epochs = 5
model_args.learning_rate = 1e-4

model = ClassificationModel(


from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel, ClassificationArgs

model_args = ClassificationArgs(

model = ClassificationModel(

Python dictionary

from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel

model_args = {
    "num_train_epochs": 5,
    "learning_rate": 1e-4,

model = ClassificationModel(



這是一個最簡易的任務類型,正是所謂的二分類binary classification

以下是我的訓練資料,標記為 0 的資料代表非英文(其實也就是中文),標記為 1 的代表英文。

0 | 好想要吃泡菜
0 | 崔允的造型師在嗎
0 | 請問一下 你是不是崔允的造型師
0 | 我嗎
0 | 崔允已經唱完了
0 | 這位小姐是誰 我想大家都知道吧
0 | 她是我永遠的偶像 也是我無法擊倒的對手 她是令我怦然心動的戀人
0 | 也許在各位的記憶裏 我母親 她是曾經紅極一時的女演員
0 | 而是像我一樣當歌手 當我感到累還有疲倦的時候 每一次她都讓我
0 | 然後爲我唱一首歌 今天我想要 特別和各位
0 | 武赫...
0 | 醫生他沒有跟你說...
0 | 武赫
0 | 你終於回來了
0 | 我就知道會這樣
0 | 回韓國去
0 | 這裏面有機票跟幾件衣服 還放了讓你一輩子
0 | 都花不完的美金
0 | 你快走今天晚上的飛機
0 | 如果回家你會沒命 傑生他想要殺掉你
0 | 剛纔那部車也是傑生派來的 你住的房子
0 | 現在可能已經被傑生給燒掉了
0 | 我現在也只能這麼做
0 | 真的很抱歉武赫
0 | 你救了我們的生命
0 | 他要我死 我就死啊
0 | 死也要回韓國去死 與其在這裏慘死 不如回到自己的國家
0 | 回到那裏再死武赫
0 | 我會死嗎
0 | 將我的心當作刀鞘 就此讓我死吧
0 | 將我帶到羅密歐的身邊
0 | 你應該馬上進軍演藝圈的
0 | 你一定會得到最佳最主角的
0 | 哪時候來的 你不是說需要三十分鐘嗎
0 | 妹妹
0 | 現在你應該進軍世界舞臺了 我們去電視臺
0 | 拿走一份目錄
0 | 不要混水摸魚認真工作
0 | 我走了 總不能一輩子
0 | 都當小允的造型師吧
0 | 根據我的判斷 你真的很有潛力
0 | 不是因爲你是我的妹妹
0 | 或許啦你是比不上姜敏珠
0 | 可是我覺得你... 有幾兩重我自己最清楚
0 | 該擔心的是你
0 | 爲了安插這份工作還麻煩小允
0 | 你知不知道啊
0 | 如果再被炒魷魚
0 | 強哥
0 | 你說小允嗎
0 | 好知道了我馬上過去
0 | 小允那個傢伙他又闖禍啦
0 | 我們恩彩一分一秒都沒得休息
0 | 妹妹我也闖禍了
0 | 他叫我只要做到今天
0 | 明天開始不要來了
0 | 真是沒良心的老闆
0 | 天啊真是正點
0 | 如果他有錢真希望可以嫁給他 超正點的
0 | 車武赫先生被領養
0 | 是千真萬確的事吧
0 | 那麼對於你母親還有對韓國
0 | 應該沒有什麼記憶了
0 | 沒錯我都不記得了
0 | 希望各位觀衆能夠諒解 車武赫先生雖然很會說國語
0 | 但是呢 他還沒有學會適當的遣詞用字
0 | 各位應該可以諒解吧 可以... 希望大家能夠體諒
0 | 車武赫先生請
0 | 麻煩到前面來 麻煩你過來這邊
0 | 爲了能夠順利找到家人
0 | 所攜帶的東西之類的
0 | 車先生 車武赫先生 我們這是現場的節目
0 | 這就是你當初被領養的時候
0 | 不知道 好 能不能對着我們的攝影機
0 | 展示一下這條項鍊 大釧哥那條項鍊很漂亮吧 哪裏買的呢
0 | 好偈不是國內生產的
0 | 下車去幫我問問看
0 | 那條項鍊到底是在哪裏買的 大釧哥
0 | 去幫我問問看好不好
0 | 是...
0 | 小姐 請問一下
0 | 是天然的還是養殖的
0 | 這個式樣並不常見
0 | 戒指的內側有刻字皮皮...
0 | 不要我要看蠟筆小新 等一下只看一分鐘
0 | 不要
0 | 我要看蠟筆小新
0 | 轉回去蠟筆小新金帶魚
0 | 我出去找找看好了
0 | 他在幹什麼
0 | 你這個叔叔好沒知識 跟傻瓜一樣連這個都不念
0 | 你爲什麼打我的小孩
0 | 來我們走
0 | 神經
0 | 好奇怪
0 | 卡好下一幕
0 | 謝謝來準備一下
0 | 先生
0 | 先生我們現在正在拍片
0 | 怎麼會有這種渾球
0 | 你沒看到我們在拍片嗎
0 | 真的很抱歉...
0 | 先生我來解決這件事情
0 | 你先過去那邊
0 | 我馬上讓他安靜
0 | 不好意思
0 | 小允你不要這樣嘛
0 | 拜託你拜託你不要這樣
0 | 萬一被記者看到那怎麼辦
0 | 總是若即若離
0 | 我永遠都沒有辦法擁有她
0 | 我快被逼瘋了
0 | 你不想活了
0 | 製作人
0 | 走吧
0 | 好難喝
0 | 我要喝你的
0 | 不對我的是可樂
0 | 看了節目之後 那個小男孩就打電話來了
0 | 他說他媽媽有一條
0 | 跟你一模一樣的項鍊
0 | 不可以 可樂是我的 這是我的啦
0 | 可樂是我的給我
0 | 所以纔會這樣
0 | 在孤兒院門口被卡車撞到 纔會變成這樣
0 | 這個念念看
0 | 把你戒指裏面的字念出來
0 | 不會
0 | 是連字都看不懂的傻瓜嗎
0 | 都那麼大了還不識字
0 | 怎麼可能不是傻瓜
0 | 她是因爲還沒全部學會 至少前面七個注音
0 | 她已經學會了
0 | 這裏寫了什麼你念
0 | 永遠
0 | 有的字看得懂有的字看不懂
0 | 至少我比你媽
0 | 比你媽聰明一千倍
0 | 永遠在一起永遠
0 | 我問你你認識我嗎
0 | 到底是誰
0 | 我叫淑慶
0 | 我叫尹淑慶
0 | 恩彩我們回家做炒年糕來吃
0 | 我會把她忘掉
0 | 敏珠
0 | 從這一刻起我要忘得一乾二淨
0 | 要完全抹去 不會留下任何的記憶
0 | 姜敏珠永遠的再見了
0 | 小允
0 | 你搭計程車回去好了
0 | 我有些話要跟敏珠說
0 | 說完話我就回去
0 | 你先回家吧
0 | 你有車錢嗎
0 | 我有 我去喝一瓶燒灑再過來
0 | 你先等我 等我喝完以後
0 | 我就幫你修理敏珠 我揪住她的頭髮用力搖
0 | 叫她不要再折磨你了 她是什麼東西啊
0 | 她怎麼可以這樣折磨你呢 沒錯
0 | 那個死丫頭早就該修理了
0 | 等我一下我馬上回來
0 | 你敢碰敏珠的話就試試看
0 | 不是敏珠的錯
0 | 她一開始就警告我了
0 | 姜敏珠
0 | 我會等你 跟他做個了斷再回來吧
0 | 不能做了斷
0 | 直接回來也沒關係 我來幫你了斷
0 | 那你可能要等很久
0 | 我纔開始跟他交往一個星期
0 | 我可以等你
0 | 可惡 你死定了...
0 | 永遠在一起...
0 | 一個女孩子家兩三天就掛彩
0 | 這還得了
0 | 傷口剛結疤又有新的傷口
0 | 沒關係我不痛 如果你再說一遍
0 | 沒關係我不痛的話 我就把你丟到路邊去
0 | 真的沒關係才說沒關係
0 | 真的不痛嘛
0 | 你還敢說你沒關係
0 | 還說你不會痛
0 | 你是鐵打的嗎
0 | 你爲什麼在那個時候
0 | 要跑出來呢
0 | 你是警察嗎
0 | 人家真的不痛嘛
0 | 你下車
0 | 好啦很痛...
0 | 快要痛死了
0 | 有關係怎麼可能沒關係
0 | 真的很有關係
0 | 真的是快要被你氣死了
0 | 我問了車武赫先生
0 | 跟尹淑慶小姐住過的孤兒院 原來車武赫先生跟尹淑慶小姐
0 | 是異卵雙胞胎
0 | 項鍊是你們兩位 第一次在孤兒院門口被發現時
0 | 就帶在身上的
0 | 來買壽司
0 | 小姐. . 買個壽司
0 | 來買壽司
0 | 來買壽司先生媽媽
0 | 買壽司
0 | 壽司多少錢
0 | "一條2,000塊" 幫我包兩條
0 | "先生我賣你1,500就好了"
0 | 幫我包兩條 好... 您的壽司
0 | 爲什麼你每次都犯規
0 | 我什麼時候犯規了
0 | 你每天都犯規
0 | 爲什麼要搶我的客人
0 | 客人就是客人嘛
0 | 哪有分你的客人我的客人
0 | 跟你買東西就是你的客人 跟我買東西就是我的客人
0 | 這樣夠嗎
0 | 我算你半價就好了
0 | 你媽媽爲什麼一直睡覺
0 | 因爲她整晚沒有睡覺包壽司
0 | 我就買下所有的東西
0 | 你幹什麼
0 | 大老闆 以後 你如果再敢對這個小孩子犯規
0 | 我絕不會放過你
0 | 三彩快點起來
0 | 淑彩起來了啦
0 | 三彩快點起來
0 | 真是的快點啦
0 | 怎麼又開始了 爲什麼你的眼睛
0 | 又變成了貓熊眼
0 | 走在路上摔了一跤
0 | 你不當小允的造型師
0 | 我在三彩房裏
0 | 媽
0 | 在屋裏幹嘛戴墨鏡
0 | 沒有啦這是造型
0 | 你割雙眼皮啦
0 | 我還要帶小姐去電視臺呢
0 | 什麼小姐聽了就噁心 我只要存夠了錢
0 | 一定要馬上從這裏搬出去
0 | 媽媽要跟爸爸到市場去
0 | 你到樓上小允家幫忙剝洋蔥
0 | 我是不是懷孕了 聞到洋蔥就想吐 今天小允家有訪客嗎
0 | 小允他媽 說要拍什麼自拍錄影帶
0 | 從一大早就開始在那兒搞怪
0 | 有個巨星兒子 就讓她享盡榮華富貴了
0 | 過氣女演員囂張什麼嘛
0 | 媽你又去打肉毒桿菌啦
0 | 媽我要開始拍囉 不要緊張 來一二
0 | 像這樣跟兒子一起喝一杯咖啡
0 | 是我人生的樂趣還有活力
0 | 好了接下來呢
0 | 要讓各位欣賞的
0 | 就是我寶貝兒子的身影了
0 | 各位朋友大家好我是崔允
0 | 我母親說要拍自拍錄影帶
0 | 媽我可以說對你想說的話嗎
0 | 好
0 | 可以了
0 | 像我呢 只要想到我媽就很感激
0 | 也會熱淚盈眶
0 | 她讓我出生在這個世界上
0 | 把我養育成這麼出色的人
0 | 她永無止境的愛
0 | 總是帶給我很多的感動
0 | 不可以對大人那麼沒禮貌
0 | 剛纔那個大嬸其實也很可憐
0 | 改天你要去跟她陪罪懂嗎
0 | 要去跟她道歉哦懂嗎
0 | 你是不是流氓
0 | 對
0 | 帶魚醬汁白帶魚的帶魚
0 | 那是你的名字啊
0 | 你現在幾年級
0 | 我沒有上學
0 | 我雖然沒有上學 可以我認得國字
0 | 還會背九九乘法表
0 | 也會一點英文我很聰明
0 | 你爸爸呢
0 | 爸爸是什麼
0 | 是我昨天說的 晨間花園那個叔叔
0 | 跟媽媽有一模一樣項鍊的
0 | 那個叔叔
0 | 他是澳洲來的
0 | 已經長得這麼大了 吃過烤五花肉嗎
0 | 喝過燒酒嗎
0 | 放下你姐姐過來這邊
0 | 我教你吃烤五花肉跟喝燒酒
0 | 如果因爲你臉上的疤痕
0 | 男人都說不要你的話
0 | 你可以儘量的來找我 只要你來找我
0 | 我一定會娶你的 我說真的
0 | 我會對你負起責任的
0 | 怎麼了
0 | 來...
0 | 沒什麼啦你不要擔心
0 | 是敏珠
0 | 兒子我怎麼樣媽媽美嗎
0 | 宋造型師你覺得我美嗎
0 | 對啊姨真的好美
0 | 這套衣服適合哪一種耳環呢
0 | 鑽石紅寶石藍寶石
0 | 來
0 | 那是因爲你是韓國人的關係
0 | 你認識我媽是不是
0 | 像你媽那種女人
0 | 怎麼可能住在這種貧民區
0 | 這麼棒的文句呢
0 | 是啊是該讓你們見面
0 | 現在你們一家人也該見面了
0 | 事必有因因果報應
0 | 這麼棒的文句呢
0 | 快吃吧比培根好吃
0 | 這條項鍊跟這件衣服 很不配對吧
0 | 我覺得很漂亮 纔怪呢
0 | 便宜貨一眼就看得出來
0 | 都像個便宜貨吧
0 | 那條項鍊在百貨公司買的 花了很多錢不是嗎
0 | 纔不會呢不過100萬
0 | 100萬
0 | 可是我們家一個月的生活費
0 | 你就戴着吧
0 | 你比珠寶更耀眼所以沒關係
0 | 真的嗎
0 | 小姐我們走吧 要去電視臺的話
0 | 時間快來不及了快走
0 | 好
0 | 你欠扁啊你 我是你朋友啊
0 | 趕快把手舉好 大姐沒有一個大姐的樣子
0 | 現在連小學生都不能體罰了 我都已經幾歲了
0 | 是啊我都已經幾歲了 你還敢講
0 | 都28歲了什麼事不好做
0 | 跑去偷別人家男人的東西
0 | 就是說啊
0 | 萬一讓小允他媽媽知道了 我們全家人都會被趕出去
0 | 就是啊 小允他不是別家的男人
0 | 他是巨星
0 | 而且說實在的這不是小允的 這是屬於熱愛崔允的
0 | 那些粉絲的啦 這個多少錢
0 | 你都跟人家拿多少錢
0 | 你想買嗎 你買我算你便宜一點
0 | 一個3萬總共18萬
0 | 再便宜個3萬 我就收你15萬好了
0 | 拜託3萬算什麼 上次演唱會的時候
0 | 在現場以5萬塊成交 5... 5萬
0 | 對呀 國外頭條新聞不是有報導過
0 | 那些巨星用過的東西
0 | 都會拿去拍賣呢 像貓王哥哥他用過的物品
0 | 拍賣價格高達上億耶上億耶
0 | 我的天啊
0 | 那他們家
0 | 擦過臉的毛巾 那那些東西都不能洗囉 所以啊
0 | 把那些東西通通拿來給我 我不但換新的毛巾給你
0 | 還會付你10%的佣金
0 | 那... 那他用過的飯碗跟湯匙
0 | 一個值多少錢 如果我們崔允在現階段
0 | 像詹姆士狄恩一樣翹辮子的話 一個至少可以賣到100萬 100萬
0 | 敏彩打電話報警
0 | 你說這邊有一對母女竊賊 她們正在共謀殺人
0 | 請他們快來抓人 宋恩彩 快點打
0 | 她是怎麼了
0 | 比你想的快一點吧
0 | 才一個晚上你好憔悴 不願意接納我
0 | 不想理我了嗎
0 | 對不起打擾你囉
0 | 肚子餓了嗎
0 | 我幫你做炸醬麪
0 | 請問哪位
0 | 借用一下廁所
0 | 請問你是誰
0 | 廁所
0 | 這裏不是公共廁所
0 | 那我就會直接尿在這裏
0 | 借用一下廁所
0 | 你尿啊誰理你
0 | 居然有這種神經病
0 | 第 4 集
0 | 二姐
0 | 你在小允哥面前放屁啊
0 | 不要一直放屁啦
0 | 快點人家現在尿急
0 | 你去小允家上
0 | 你到底怎麼了
0 | 我該怎麼辦敏彩
0 | 你也便祕嗎 有一位大叔
0 | 大老遠從澳洲來看我 上次小允去澳洲拍廣告
0 | 在那邊認識的
0 | 當時他還幫了我很多忙呢
0 | 原來二姐有男人
0 | 我沒有動心是對方
0 | 你沒有喜歡他他喜歡你
0 | 有好像完全對我着迷了
0 | 我覺得很對不起他 因爲他對你着迷
0 | 所以大老遠從澳洲飛來這裏
0 | 那你跟他睡過了
0 | 你們睡過了嗎
0 | 怕被凍死纔會緊緊抱着睡覺
0 | 我看你是瘋了你 我的天
0 | 你居然會做這種荒唐事 就是說啊
0 | 我做也就算了怎麼會是你
0 | 道德淪喪真是可悲
0 | 不是啦
0 | 不是這樣不是 還在否認
0 | 你們三個在幹什麼 我真是受夠你們了 都已經老大不小了
0 | 你們到底在搞什麼東西
0 | 淑彩你上完了沒有
0 | 恩彩敏彩
0 | 你們到底洗完了沒有
0 | 已經好了我馬上出去
0 | 既然已經好了就趕快出來 害你們老爸沒辦法上廁所
0 | 在外面急着直跳腳這像話嗎
0 | 媽
0 | 幹嘛
0 | 恩彩她說跟男人睡了
0 | 你可能要準備嫁妝咯 不不是
0 | 把我當成什麼了 你女兒到現在
0 | 還會出現幻覺耶
0 | 恩彩
0 | 你要去哪裏
0 | 去找我哥哥
0 | 找哥哥 對了這個很好吃
0 | 來給你吃
0 | 這什麼 山參
0 | 好像是山參上塗抹蜂蜜做成的
0 | 給你 這麼珍貴我怎麼能吃
0 | 就是珍貴纔要幫我吃
0 | 我不要
0 | 花大錢買的
0 | 我不能吃這種東西
0 | 我怎麼能吃這個東西
0 | 你吃就好了 那我拿去隔壁喂小狗羅
0 | 你爲什麼不可以吃
0 | 法律有規定說
0 | 我能吃的你不能吃嗎 小允
0 | 拿來我拿去喂小狗
0 | 知道了啦我吃...
0 | 我吃不就得了
0 | 可以了嗎 可以 我媽說塞好吃的東西給我吃
0 | 讓她覺得心滿意足 可是我塞好吃的東西給你吃
0 | 纔會覺得開心 我猜我上輩子
0 | 可能是你爸或你媽 我的恩彩
0 | 吃很多好東西快快長大
0 | 兒子
0 | 小允塗完這個再出門 那什麼
0 | 這個是珍珠粉還有貂油 貂你知道吧
0 | 兩樣混合而成的 聽說預防黑眼圈很有效
0 | 我哪有黑眼圈
0 | 所以纔要事先做好預防 這麼英俊的臉 萬一有了黑眼圈的話
0 | 媽媽就要難過死了 恩彩那個男的怎麼樣了
0 | 什麼男的
0 | 你不曉得啊恩彩有男朋友了
0 | 有. . 有男朋友
0 | 你說恩彩
0 | 是哪個傢伙他是幹什麼的
0 | 好像是個癡情派 因爲太喜歡恩彩了還會掉淚呢
0 | 恩彩你可得小心點
0 | 如果害別人流淚的話
0 | 將來你的心就會淌血了
0 | 加油了宋恩彩
0 | 到底是哪個傢伙 恩彩這個丫頭
0 | 她最沒有看男人的眼光了
0 | 哥
0 | 水好喝嗎
0 | 我剛剛腳抽筋
0 | 差點就沒命了
0 | 千萬不可以讓它
0 | 察覺到你很怕它 必須要將它打敗
0 | 哥
0 | 你什麼時候學會游泳的
0 | 我沒有學過
0 | 你沒有學過
0 | 我也沒學過
0 | 怎麼樣才能跟你遊得一樣好呢
0 | 付出努力
0 | 那我得每天來游泳池了
0 | 來轉過去 我幫你洗一洗
0 | 像我呢只要想到我媽就很感激
0 | 也會熱淚盈眶 用力一點 知道了
0 | 把我養育成這麼出色的人 他以永無止境的愛
0 | 帶給我很多感動 媽媽是我的太陽
0 | 也是我的宇宙
0 | 怎麼樣 很好看 不過我覺得這一家
0 | 太幼稚了
0 | 你看這一件 我們家小允
0 | 穿這種線條的衣服也很適合
0 | 阿姨已經第十五件了
0 | 是嗎 你看這件除非我們家小允
0 | 對吧恩彩 是啊
0 | 阿姨這件衣服的單價很貴
0 | 我兒子穿這種紅色非常的適合
0 | 我接個電話 兒子太優秀了
0 | 我這個做媽的也挺累的 像這件衣服有沒有不是拉鍊
0 | 強哥
0 | 聯絡不到嗎
0 | 他說他要去見哥哥
0 | 不過不知道是什麼哥哥
0 | 還沒看到
0 | 怎麼了你真的是個勤奮的人嗎
0 | 這要怎麼形容呢
0 | 我實在信不過你慶尚道哥哥
0 | 我要去一個地方
0 | 我們待會兒見了
0 | 這樣撞可以撞破頭嗎
0 | 要不要換把鐵錘
0 | 那個丫頭也死定了
0 | 誰都別想阻止我
0 | 恩彩進來吧門沒有鎖
0 | 等一下我先打完這一局
0 | 看到這個了吧 你快點向不允解釋清楚
0 | 它報導的確實是採訪內容
0 | 你不想活啦
0 | 想捱揍嗎
0 | 小允他全心全意的愛着你 小允跟你那些玩玩的男人不一樣
0 | 可是我本來就是這樣
0 | 你說怎麼辦 我就是很花心愛玩成性
0 | 爲什麼要這樣...
0 | 你到底有什麼不滿意 非要過這種生活嗎臭丫頭
0 | 爲什麼這麼不自愛
0 | 你想結束演藝生涯嗎
0 | 有沒有腦筋你會不會思考啊
0 | 你打定主意結束一切嗎
0 | 你這個臭丫頭臭丫頭
0 | 你打完了
0 | 只有這麼一點力氣啊 既然你想要打我
0 | 至少也要打斷一根肋骨
0 | 我是真的喜歡上小允
0 | 因爲我情不自禁的喜歡上他
0 | 就因爲我越來越喜歡他 所以纔會那麼做
0 | 什麼
0 | 你也喜歡小允對吧
0 | 我可是戀愛專家 你以爲我不知道
0 | 我老早就知道了
0 | 男女之間哪有純友誼
0 | 你到底在胡說八道什麼 今天你就是要討打才甘心
0 | 是不是
0 | 本來我想假裝不知道
0 | 佔爲已有 可是還是很擔心你 給你吧
0 | 你要就拿去吧
0 | 是啊你就是該打...
0 | 喜歡胡言亂語的人
0 | 就是要捱打纔會清醒 今天我非要打斷你的肋骨不可
0 | 我還要打斷你的腿才甘心 今天你死定了
0 | 死定了姜敏珠
0 | 不要打了宋恩彩
0 | 你在對誰動手 我警告過你
0 | 不可以動敏珠一根汗毛的
0 | 小允
0 | 以後我的事
0 | 我們兩個的事你都不要插手
0 | 不要逾越了分寸
0 | 明白嗎
0 | 小允
0 | 你沒有聽到嗎
0 | 馬上給我離開這個房子
0 | 下一次我一定會打斷你的肋骨
0 | 別再捱打了
0 | 不管是我 或是恩彩都不能再打你
0 | 以後如果有人敢動你一根汗毛
0 | 我就會把他殺了
0 | 不管是恩彩... 或是我
0 | 我都會動手
0 | 你再也不要做出欠揍的事
0 | 不然你就沒命
0 | 我也會沒命
0 | 對不起我錯了
0 | 以後再也不會了我錯了
0 | 媽媽小朋友你怎麼了
0 | 跟媽媽走失啦
0 | 不要哭...
0 | 姐姐幫你找到媽媽
0 | 乖小孩都不哭
0 | 愛哭的小孩 聖誕老公公不會給她禮物
0 | 不要哭了
0 | 請問你是小星的媽媽嗎
0 | 你好我的名字叫宋恩彩
0 | 澳洲的首都是哪裏
0 | 自己住的國家首都都不知道
0 | 坎培拉
0 | 不是雪梨嗎
0 | 坎培拉
0 | 什麼時候換的
0 | 我們國家的首都是哪裏
0 | 首爾
0 | 那好吧我們交往吧
0 | 你會害羞啊
0 | 看我的臉會讓你害羞
0 | 所以轉過去嗎
0 | 我還以爲你很魯莽
0 | 不要害羞
0 | 交往的時候都是像這樣
0 | 看你害羞成什麼樣子
0 | 大叔你好可愛
0 | 我要睡五分鐘所以你安靜
0 | 天啊
0 | 真是的這該怎麼辦
0 | 你們還好吧
0 | 居然會來這裏
0 | 給你
0 | 不用你自己吃
0 | 快吃
0 | 我不吃別人吃過的
0 | 人家恩彩吃得津津有味
0 | 因爲她胃口好
0 | 我又不是外人
0 | 對不起
0 | 我的個性就是這樣沒有辦法
0 | 你要去哪兒
0 | (恩彩)
0 | 你是不是已經平安到家了
0 | 剛纔...
0 | 剛纔我是有點過分啦
0 | 你沒有我生氣吧
0 | 其實我不是有意對你發脾氣
0 | 你爲什麼不接我電話嘛
0 | 這不是宋恩彩小姐的手機嗎
0 | 手機的主人現在暈過去了
0 | 什麼 這位小姐的父親說
0 | 馬上趕來這裏 那邊是什麼地方
0 | 先生小姐你們快點醒一醒
0 | 真是的大概喝了太多酒
0 | 好奇怪
0 | 你們還好嗎先生小姐
0 | 這兩個人完全不省人事
0 | 你們醒一醒
0 | 這位先生 他們兩個人 是在經過一陣熱吻之後
0 | 恩彩... 爸爸來了 恩彩...
0 | 這孩子只要一喝酒 就會沉沉的入睡
0 | 他們很難分開恩彩
0 | 真的是大明星 怎麼回事
0 | 是這樣他們兩個人 經過一陣非常激烈的熱吻之後 就...
0 | 恩彩來快來
0 | 起來恩彩來
0 | 到底怎麼回事
0 | 武赫哥還有恩彩 怎麼會一起喝醉酒呢
0 | 你認識那小子
0 | 你怎麼會認識他
0 | 他是我欣賞的大哥
0 | 是做什麼的
0 | 不太清楚
0 | 小允
0 | 我們恩彩喜歡些什麼
0 | 雞爪螺肉中國娃娃白米飯
0 | 不喜歡什麼
0 | 鬼大猩猩醫院大雜燴
0 | 幹嘛問這些
0 | 我身爲爸爸
0 | 對孩子瞭解實在是太少了
0 | 我們家恩彩 你比我觀察得更入微吧 是
0 | 你比我更瞭解我們家恩彩對吧
0 | 我們家恩彩
0 | 我們家恩彩有點變態嗎
0 | 你幹什麼啦被子拿來
0 | 你這個女人很奇怪
0 | 先放着我待會兒再摺嘛
0 | 怎麼了二姐你尿牀啦
0 | 宋敏彩我有疑問
0 | 要躲到棉被裏面來搞神祕 我上學要遲到了啦
0 | 昨天晚上把我帶回家的人是誰
0 | 媽到現在還在爲你熬解酒湯
0 | 你要是看不對勁就快跑
0 | 小心被她打死 敏彩看看我的嘴脣
0 | 你嘴脣怎麼了
0 | 怎樣像接過吻的嘴脣嗎
0 | 因爲我搞不清楚
0 | 又像是作夢又好像不是
0 | 看清楚一點
0 | 像接過吻的樣子嗎
0 | 接過吻的嘴脣會怎麼樣
0 | 我不知道我從來沒有接過吻
0 | 你長這麼大了都在幹嘛
0 | 就是說啊
0 | 你看過很多奇怪的書
0 | 對這方面一定很懂
0 | 理論我是很懂 但是我缺乏實戰經驗
0 | 我拿放大鏡來幫你看
0 | 再嘟出來一點
0 | 你應該有接吻 怎麼辦 身體力行的事
0 | 可以找那個人再試一次 試什麼
0 | 親親
0 | 你瘋啦 我跟你這個小朋友
0 | 沒什麼好談的
0 | 大姐痛死了啦
0 | 從意大利買回來的那些盤子
0 | 在哪裏呢
0 | 站在那裏不要動
0 | 不想再被割傷你就不要亂動
0 | 你...
0 | 你不是恩彩的男朋友嗎
0 | 你幹什麼啊你
0 | 小允...
0 | 藥放在哪裏 小允
0 | 兒子...
0 | 小允在睡覺藥放在哪裏
0 | 小允...
0 | 那個人
0 | 他爲什麼會在我們家
0 | 我昨天帶他回來的
0 | 因爲他喝醉了嘛 死孩子不是跟你說過
0 | 不要隨便帶陌生人回來的
0 | 不知道他住在哪裏 又不是很熟的人 幹嘛帶回來呢
0 | 你是一般人嗎
0 | 你是明星耶
0 | 小聲一點會被他聽到
0 | 你這個孩子到底是像誰
0 | 這麼心軟
0 | 我是你兒子當然像你囉 真是的
0 | 我要尿尿我要去廁所了 等一下 我...
0 | 我好怕那個人 拜託你趕快叫他走
0 | 有什麼好怕的嘛
0 | 不會把你吃掉啦
0 | 我去洗把臉你先陪他玩
0 | 天啊等一下
0 | 我跟你去走
0 | 去廁所走
0 | 幹嘛
0 | 傷得好嚴重腳都破了
0 | 好痛
0 | 真受不了你我先幫你擦藥
0 | 媽這個借我
0 | 看我很好騙是嗎 你
0 | 你絕對死定了
0 | 不會有事止血做得很好
0 | 急救措施也做得非常適當
0 | 這裏也有糕點壽司
0 | 快來買來買糕點 賣壽司
0 | 叔叔
0 | 流血了
0 | 可能要去醫院看看
0 | 爲什麼要告訴我
0 | 我媽的事爲什麼要告訴我
0 | 到底要我怎麼樣
0 | 到底要我怎麼樣死老頭
0 | 你想要怎麼做 就照你的意思去做吧
0 | 可以了記得要去看醫生
0 | 我媽她...
0 | 那個女人
0 | 是不是也對你做了什麼壞事
0 | 帶魚今天我們兩家一起吃飯
0 | 好
0 | 正式宣佈成爲情侶 在過去三年裏
0 | 我一直愛着她不曾間斷
0 | 只要能夠讓我得到她的愛情 我可以放棄眼前所有的一切
0 | 沒有姜敏珠的人生
0 | 對我而言形同死亡
0 | 那麼請問姜敏珠小姐對於崔允
0 | 有什麼樣的看法呢 崔允他是我所認識的男人當中
0 | 最善良而且最純真的一個人
0 | 過去我做出很多對不起他的事 所以我決定以後慢慢的彌補他
0 | 本來我以爲愛情是不存在的
0 | 但是透過崔允我瞭解到什麼是愛
0 | 拜託你趕快叫他走啦 小允
0 | 就照你的意思去做吧
0 | 出現了兩極化的反應 有人認爲兩個人很登對
0 | 也有人認爲非常意外 因此今天的記者會
0 | 讓歌迷們的攻防戰 變得越來越激烈了
0 | 小允祝你幸福 姜敏珠如果你再傷害小允
0 | 我不會放過你的
0 | 你們一定要幸福哦崔允姜敏珠
0 | 請問哪一位
0 | 媽跟姐姐你都認不出來啊
0 | 你們兩個爲什麼一直看着我 我臉上有什麼東西嗎
0 | 有東西而且很多東西
0 | 需要幫忙嗎
0 | 時間早就已經敲定了
0 | 今天下午五點
0 | 首爾飯店一樓咖啡廳 二男一女的老二 束城物產的代理
0 | 光是手頭上的存款... 誰啊你的相親對象
0 | 媽我要相親啊
0 | 隨便你隨便你啦
0 | 如果你今天要是再爽約的話
0 | 你老媽馬上就跳進棺材
0 | 死給你看 我告訴你我這次可是豁出去了
0 | 這不是威脅
0 | 她已經去看過棺材囉 我看的是梧桐木的棺材
0 | 死了這條心吧這是天方夜譚
0 | 如果宋恩彩小姐肯去相親
0 | 我馬上會考取首爾第一學府 需要幫忙嗎
0 | 也對如果恩彩肯去相親
0 | 我這張牀當場送給你
0 | 那個死丫頭要是肯去相親
0 | 換你當我老媽
0 | 我願意去相親
0 | 有這麼好的事怎麼不早說
0 | 我可以先向他求婚嗎
0 | 也不是不滿意 因爲你不是我要的那一型
0 | 那麼先生你喜歡的是哪一型
0 | 這種事很難用說的
0 | 那麼你就用畫的好不好
0 | 真是
0 | 如果仔細觀察
0 | 也許我就是你要的那一型
0 | 只要看一分鐘我就知道 只看一分鐘怎麼可能瞭解一個人
0 | 太離譜了
0 | 怎麼會離譜呢 太離譜了
0 | 爲離譜
0 | 像這種事我怎麼能說出來
0 | 你儘管說說出來沒關係 真是
0 | 好是你叫我說的
0 | 我對你的長相就是不滿意 行了嗎
0 | 我的長相到底怎麼了
0 | 真是的
0 | 飲料就各付各的OK
0 | 不能送你回去了 沒關係我自己有開車來
0 | 我再打給你小心開車
0 | 你想幹什麼
0 | 老太婆下車
0 | 你沒有長眼睛是不是
0 | 這位大叔
0 | 老太婆
0 | 你壓到我家的小寶貝了
0 | 把車移開聽到沒有
0 | 我不知道我真的不知道 我沒有感覺
0 | 我停車的時候完全沒有感覺
0 | 對不起
0 | 把車移開
0 | 對不起我真的很抱歉
0 | 我願意賠償你
0 | 你知道我是誰吧我是姜敏...
0 | 搞什麼
0 | 你到底想幹什麼
0 | 你現在這樣是在勾引我嗎
0 | 不過...
0 | 這位大叔你找錯人囉 我是姜敏珠
0 | 不是你能隨便高攀的 閉上嘴把車移開
0 | 我限你一分鐘之內從我眼前消失
0 | 那你呢
0 | 電視臺你要過來嗎
0 | 我是不是從今天開始當你的司機
0 | 正式行程從明天開始
0 | 等我十分鐘
0 | 我剛上計程車馬上到
0 | 姐姐幫你把身體洗乾淨
0 | 那好吧我們交往吧
0 | 你看我很好欺負是不是
0 | 看我很好騙是嗎 你 以後再敢出現在我面前試試看
0 | 你絕對死定了
0 | 三彩趕快起來了
0 | 對了今天要拍宣傳海報
0 | 兒子啊快起來了
0 | 快點快點起牀了起來洗個澡
0 | 走
0 | 你不起牀啊趕快給我起來
0 | 還不起來
0 | 快點起來啦允啊允
0 | 你乾脆跟兒子結婚算了
0 | 全都被水泥糊住了是不是 雖然說是我生的孩子
0 | 人生真是太悲慘啦
0 | 最近老是喜歡在我面前耍威風
0 | 宋三彩失火啦
0 | 少騙人了媽
0 | 你醒啦
0 | 剛纔我就醒了
0 | 那你幹嘛裝睡
0 | 沒有
0 | 我只是不想張開眼睛
0 | 想賴一下牀
0 | 宣傳海報嗎
0 | 天啊你冒冷汗
0 | 還發燒
0 | 大概有點小感冒
0 | 這樣你能去工作啊 你這個鐵人也會生病
0 | 沒關係不會有事的
0 | 小狗狗早
0 | 睡得好嗎
0 | 雙腿用力撐起身體
0 | 早安 恩彩你去叫醒小允
0 | 我怎麼叫都叫不醒他
0 | 小允還在睡啊
0 | 他到凌晨才睡着
0 | 說是夢到鬼了
0 | 所以到我房間跟我一起睡
0 | 恩彩
0 | 不要告訴敏珠 什麼事 做惡夢就不敢自己睡覺這件事
0 | 都已經這麼大了
0 | 還會怕鬼的這件事
0 | 好我不會說啦阿姨
0 | 起牀了要去拍照了
0 | 起牀了要遲到了
0 | 大家都在等你了
0 | 你要放大家的鴿子嗎
0 | 放就放
0 | 快起牀啦崔允
0 | 我不乖啦不乖啦
0 | 從三樓教室倒栽蔥死掉的鬼
0 | 用頭咚咚咚走路的鬼
0 | 聽說咚咚鬼正在到處尋找
0 | 把自己推下樓的那個人
0 | 名字叫崔允
0 | 現在它正在開門進來了
0 | 咚咚咚
0 | 走進客廳裏了
0 | 咚咚咚
0 | 現在它爬上二樓
0 | 到小允的房間去了
0 | 不在這裏耶
0 | 然後它就...
0 | 從二樓來到一樓 咚咚咚
0 | 它四處看了一看
0 | 終於發現小允 原來在他媽媽的房間裏 咚咚咚
0 | 跟咚咚鬼好好睡吧我走了
0 | 不要
0 | 我是你老婆嗎還是你媽
0 | 噁心死了不要這樣 什麼
0 | 你剛剛說我什麼
0 | 沒錯噁心...
0 | 我生氣了宋恩彩
0 | 真的生氣囉 我今天不去拍宣傳海報了
0 | 我管你要不要去
0 | 她吃錯藥了是不是
0 | 去國外住個十年再回來
0 | 我真的病得很嚴重嗎
0 | 拜託清醒一點宋恩彩
0 | 清醒一點...
0 | 幹嘛戳我 原來真的是你
0 | 幹嘛戳我
0 | 沒有我只是...
0 | 以爲自己出現幻覺
0 | 所以想確認一下
0 | 我纔沒有
0 | 那你幹嘛戳我我又沒惹你
0 | 你喜歡我才戳我
0 | 纔沒有
0 | 你的氣色不太好生病了 沒有啊
0 | 好像生病囉
0 | 沒有啊
0 | 你的臉色很蒼白
0 | 沒有啊 你只會說沒有啊
0 | 沒有啊 你討厭我
0 | 沒有啊
0 | 你看我好欺負是不是
0 | 看我很好騙是不是
0 | 以後再敢出現在我面前試試看
0 | 我警告過你了吧
0 | 我警告過你 再敢出現在我面前 我就會殺了你
0 | 我說到做到
0 | 我說殺就真的會殺
0 | 殺啊
0 | 你是不是瘋子
0 | 對 你是變態嗎
0 | 走快點走
0 | 回你國家去回你的國家去
0 | 回去澳洲...
0 | 你快點走啊快點走
0 | 我不喜歡你
0 | 你真的不是我喜歡的型 我最討厭像你這種傢伙了 你快走
0 | 走拜託你快點離開這裏
0 | 你在幹嘛宋恩彩
0 | 你憑什麼命令我哥離開這裏 睡得好嗎
0 | 你也睡得好嗎
0 | 來多久啦
0 | 來一個小時了 今天要跟我媽一塊去拍照
0 | 等我媽出來一起走吧
0 | 這個大叔 新來的司機就是這個大叔
0 | 對啊怎麼樣
0 | 你發神經啊
0 | 你瘋了嗎 怎麼讓這種傢伙...
0 | 你說話真是難聽
0 | 什麼這種傢伙 這位大哥不但年紀比你大
0 | 而且他還比你...
0 | 你今天吃錯藥啦 從現在起我不做你的造型師了
0 | 你去找別人
0 | 抱歉...
0 | 我耽誤太多時間了恩彩 媽恩彩說不做我的造型師了
0 | 爲什麼
0 | 不知道她要我找別人
0 | 怎麼了恩彩
0 | 小允又對你做錯事了嗎
0 | 他怎麼能去找別人呢 這個星球除了你之外 沒人受得了他的孩子氣
0 | 可能要去別的星球找人了呢
0 | 不是這樣啦阿姨
0 | 好啦我會好好的修理他的
0 | 我一定替你出氣好不好 好趕快走吧已經遲到了
0 | 走吧 你...
0 | 從昨天開始由他做我的司機
0 | 媽 恩彩今天好像那個來了
0 | 小允
0 | 她變得好奇怪
0 | 還說我噁心 而且她居然還罵武赫哥
0 | 是那種傢伙
0 | 這個丫頭簡直造反了
0 | 怎麼可以叫淑女是死丫頭呢 這麼說來
0 | 他是靠恩彩你的關係進來的嗎
0 | 不是啦
0 | 怎麼他不是你男朋友
0 | 不是啦
0 | 他不是啦阿姨 宋恩彩我跟你說 假如你問我武赫哥和你當中
0 | 要選哪一個的話
0 | 我一定會選擇武赫哥
0 | 懂嗎
0 | 爲什麼
0 | 因爲武赫哥他非常的酷 不像你一樣小鼻子小眼睛的
0 | 兒子
0 | 以前你敢在我面前批評武赫哥
0 | 我絕對不會饒你的
0 | 我很小心眼吧 喜歡擺明星架子
0 | 你很不屑很不爽 很倒胃口很窩囊
0 | 很想吐對吧
0 | 你隨便說句話好不好
0 | 幹嗎 我們不如瀟灑的分手
0 | 什麼
0 | 既然是最後我想笑着說再見
1 | Ah, this is greasy. I want to eat kimchee.
1 | Is Chae Yoon's coordinator in here?
1 | Excuse me, aren't you Chae Yoon's coordinator?
1 | Yes. Me?
1 | -Chae Yoon is done singing.
1 | This lady right next to me... everyone knows who she is right?
1 | She is my forever idol...she is my rival whom I can never win against, she is the one who always makes me happy, and she is my mother.
1 | Everyone should remember my mom as one of the greatest movie stars, but instead of becoming an actress, she wanted to become a singer just like me.
1 | When I was stressed and exhausted, she'd always sing me a song while having me on her lap.
1 | Today, I would like to share that moment with everyone.
1 | Watch out! Watch Out!
1 | You cannot work yourself out.
1 | You're not normal.
1 | In your head, there is still a bullet left.
1 | Didn't you hear it from the doctor...
1 | You're back, are you?
1 | I knew you would be.
1 | ...I knew you would.
1 | Go to Korea.
1 | I packed your airplane ticket, some clothes and enough money to last you till you die.
1 | Hurry up and go.
1 | It's this evening's flight.
1 | Jason is trying to kill you.
1 | That car a while ago was sent by Jason.
1 | He burned all the pictures we've taken together.
1 | I'm sorry that this is what I can do for you.
1 | You saved our lives, but I can only do this for you and I'm very sorry.
1 | If he kills me, then I'll die.
1 | Go to our country and die, Moonhyuk.
1 | Oh poison!
1 | You tasted this and died. Oh careless love!
1 | Why die and not a drop of poison left for me?
1 | Oh sword...
1 | My heart be the dagger's sheath.
1 | Let me to death!
1 | Lead me to Romeo.
1 | Let's have you come out as an entertainer.
1 | You might get nominated for an academic award. When did you come?
1 | I thought it would take about 30 minutes.
1 | Hey sister...
1 | I think it's time for you to come out to the world.
1 | Let's go to the studio.
1 | I'll be your manager.
1 | A customer came to buy a laundry machine and took a catalogue.
1 | Stop fooling around and do a great job!
1 | I'm going.
1 | How long will you keep suffering inside to be Yoon's coordinator?
1 | I think you have the potential to be great. I'm not saying just because I'm your sister.
1 | Well you might not be good as Kang Min Joo...but you...
1 | I know myself more than you.
1 | You do well.
1 | Do you know how hard it was for me to get you employed here with the help of Yoon.
1 | If you get fired...
1 | Yoon?
1 | Okay. I'll be there soon.
1 | What did Yoon do now?
1 | Seriously there's not a day where you can just relax.
1 | I'm going to go. See you at home. - Okay, go.
1 | I also had an accident.
1 | They told me to work only today and not come back from tomorrow.
1 | My swearing boss said.
1 | He's handsome.
1 | If he were rich, how great that would be.
1 | Ah, he's handsome.
1 | Cha Moonhyuk, it is true that you were adopted right?
1 | Yes.
1 | You must not have memories of your mother or the country Korea.
1 | I don't remember anything.
1 | I hope everyone forgives cha moonhyuk's speaking.
1 | He didn't learn the proper speaking of Korean
1 | I hope everyone understands him. Yes, let's bring Cha Moonhyuk on stage.
1 | to find your family, is there any special things you can do or have anything that was given to you before you were adopted.
1 | We're on live right now.
1 | This must be a remembered necklace.
1 | So is this what you had when you were adopted?
1 | When and how did you get it?
1 | -Don't know.
1 | Can you please show it in front of the camera.
1 | That necklace is pretty. Where did I see that.
1 | It doesn't seem like a necklace from here.
1 | Can you get out and ask the lady where she got that necklace?
1 | Can you ask?
1 | Yes, yes ma'am.
1 | Is that platinum or silver?
1 | Put it back on!
1 | We have to keep watching so we can find you're family.
1 | No... I'm going to watch 'Janggoo'. Wait a second.
1 | I'm going to watch 'janggoo'.!
1 | After reading this, he disappeared during the rehearsal.
1 | A woman is is the way... (he misreads)
1 | To a woman... haht..hah'....
1 | You're dumb, how can you not know how to read korean?
1 | Hey, where are you hitting my child?
1 | What a strange man.
1 | Are you okay? Oh, saeng ni eh sae.
1 | I love you. The only thing I love is you.
1 | You know right?
1 | What the heck is that?
1 | Go and see.
1 | We're in the middle of shooting can you please be quiet?
1 | Please help us.
1 | Sorry.
1 | what kind of person is this!
1 | HEY!
1 | Can't you see we're shooting?
1 | Sorry! I'll try to solve the problem.
1 | Open the door!
1 | Yoon, please don't do this.
1 | Please,
1 | Please don't do this.
1 | What are you going to do if reporters see this. I don't get it.
1 | I seriously don't understand that girl.
1 | "Am I your servant?"
1 | Studio?
1 | Chae Moonhyuk.
1 | Nice to meet you.
1 | Let's go.
1 | No, I want to drink this.
1 | -Mom, you order that one.
1 | I ordered the Coke No, I orderd the cola.
1 | -After watching the show, that little boy gave us a call..
1 | He told us that his mother has the same exact looking necklace as yours.
1 | It's mine!
1 | It's because my mom had an accident along time ago.
1 | At age seven, a grandpa told me that she got hit by a trunk infront of a church and hurt her head.
1 | This... read it.
1 | Read what's incribed in your ring.
1 | Don't know.
1 | Can't your mother read?
1 | Is your mom stupid to read words?
1 | -She's not stupid.
1 | If she can't read, how is she not stupid?
1 | It's because she hasn't learned all the alphabet. She can read up to gah, nah, dah, lah, mah, bah, sah.
1 | Read what's written.
1 | For-ev-er...? Forever?
1 | You can't read words too? There are some words I can, and some words I can't.
1 | I'm not stupid.
1 | Compare to your mom, I'm a 1000 times smarter!
1 | Forver... together...
1 | You do you know me?
1 | Who are you?
1 | Suh Kyung.
1 | Yoon Suh Kyung.
1 | Eunchae, let's go home and make and eat spicy rice cake. Ok...
1 | I'm going to forget.
1 | Minjoo
1 | From this time, I'll completely forget her.
1 | Without any dusk, I'm going to completely erase her.
1 | Bye Kang Min Joo. It's goodbye forever!
1 | Don't lie.
1 | Grab a taxi and go home. I want to say something to Minjoo.
1 | I'll say something and go.
1 | So you go home first.
1 | You have money for taxi, right?
1 | I do.
1 | I'm drinking soju and I'll come back.
1 | I'll take a shot, come back, and do something about Minjoo
1 | I'll tell her not to make you sad and grab her hair and shake.
1 | I'll break her legs so that she can't meet anyone.
1 | Yah, it's time for her to get beaten up.
1 | Wait a second, I'll be back.
1 | -Don't lay a hand on her.
1 | It's not Minjoo's fault
1 | She's already warned me first.
1 | I'm the crazy one.
1 | I'll wait. Finish him off and come back.
1 | It's also find if you come without finishing him.
1 | I'll finish it off for you.
1 | You probably have to wait along time.
1 | I started to date him just a week ago.
1 | I can wait. A month is enough right? - Chae Yoon.
1 | You bastard!
1 | Why hit him?
1 | Together... Forever
1 | There's not a day when a grown up girl's face isn't ruined.
1 | It's scary to see a scab fall off!
1 | I'm alright, it doesn't hurt.
1 | Say you're alright one more time, I'm leaving you on the streets!
1 | I say that I'm alright because I'm alright, and it doesn't hurt because it doesn't hurt.
1 | Being alright?
1 | Not hurt?
1 | Are you made of metal?
1 | Are you a robot?
1 | Why'd you come out from there?
1 | Are you 119?
1 | (Police #)
1 | It really doesn't hurt.
1 | Get out.
1 | Fine, it hurts.
1 | It hurts so much I can die. I'm not alright.
1 | I'll never be alright.
1 | Not even after I die. How sad.
1 | So much I can die.
1 | What can we do...
1 | Chae Moonhyuk and Yoon Suh Kyung, I went to the orphanage you guys went to.
1 | You two were twins.
1 | Tw-ins?
1 | The necklace was on you two the whole time.
1 | That's all I know.
1 | Buy wrapped rice.
1 | Buy wrapped rice.
1 | -One please!
1 | Wrapped rice!
1 | How much? -Two dollars. Give me one.
1 | -Yes.
1 | Sir, this is a dollar.
1 | Give me two.
1 | Why do you always cheat?
1 | What do you mean cheat?
1 | You always cheat.
1 | Why do you take my customers?
1 | Your customer, my customer...they're not the same.
1 | Yours are yours, mine are mine.
1 | And that's that.
1 | That's not right!
1 | Buy these, buy these. I'll give them to you half price.
1 | Why is your mom sleeping that way?
1 | It's because she wraps rice at night.
1 | I'll give you all these for 300 dollars. I mean 200 dollars.
1 | Ok, I did. I cheated.
1 | If you cheat on the boy again,
1 | I won't leave you alone.
1 | Sukchae hurry and wake up.
1 | The sun is up your butt hole you guys!
1 | Wake up!
1 | I thought it was settled for a while.
1 | How did your eye become a black eye?
1 | I fell while I was walking.
1 | It's going to be alright after two days. It's ok.
1 | Instead of being Yoon's coordinator, you following with gangsters?
1 | Samchae's mom! -She's in the room.
1 | You going to the groceries?
1 | -I'm going. Why are you wearing sunglasses inside the room?
1 | You do ssangkapeul surgery?
1 | Hurry and come out.
1 | I have to take ma'am to the studio shortly.
1 | After I earn a lot of money, I'm moving out of this house just to avoid hearing about her.
1 | I'm going grocery shopping with dad, so go up and peal onions.
1 | Am I getting pregnant.
1 | I can't smell onions. Are there people coming to Yoon's house?
1 | Yoon's mother.
1 | She's getting ready for "self camera"
1 | She's putting on a show off her famous son.
1 | How arrogant.
1 | Stop with the bad remarks.
1 | Mom, you get botox?
1 | the camera is rolling. Don't get nervous...okay, 1, 2...
1 | Just like this, drinking coffee with my son is my joy and life.
1 | Ah, let's record again. I seriously think this lipstick doesn't fit me well.
1 | Why? It's pretty.
1 | Hello, I'm Chae Yoon.
1 | I heard my mom was doing a self camera, so...
1 | I'm just cutting in a little.
1 | Mom, can I say something to you? What? Say it.
1 | Say it...
1 | Mother, go over there and sit.
1 | You see,
1 | When I think about my mother, I'm really thankful and shed tears. Having me born to this world,
1 | Raising me up so perfectly,
1 | And always giving me so much love.
1 | Mom, you are my sunshine and idol.
1 | You know that right?
1 | I love you, mom.
1 | I love you
1 | You're not supposed to act like that to an adult.
1 | That lady is also a sad lady.
1 | Later on, tell her that you're sorry.
1 | Say that you're sorry, okay?
1 | Mister, are you a gangster?
1 | -Yes. What is your name?
1 | -Galshi. (Fish) The same Galchi you cook with.
1 | Is that your name? -Yes.
1 | What grade are you in?
1 | -I don't go to school.
1 | Even though I don't go to school, I can read korean.
1 | Speak a little english.
1 | I'm pretty smart.
1 | -What about your father?
1 | I don't have those.
1 | Hey grandpa!
1 | -Oh hey. Let's each Samkyupsal. This is the guy I met.
1 | The guy who has the necklace.
1 | The guy who is from Australia.
1 | Your eyes take after your mom's eyes, a lot.
1 | Quite similar.
1 | Have you ate samkyupsal before?
1 | How about soju?
1 | I'm sorry.
1 | I'm sorry, Eunchae
1 | If no guys come to you because your face is full of injuries...
1 | And if they don't like you, and no one takes you,
1 | Then just come to me. I'll live with you. Come to me.
1 | For real, I'll take care of you.
1 | What's wrong? Water!
1 | What's wrong, Song Eun-chae?
1 | Why aren't you picking it up?
1 | It's Minjoo.
1 | How do I look?
1 | Am I pretty? You're pretty.
1 | How about you, Eunchae? Am I pretty?
1 | Yes, you're beautiful. What kind of earring will match with this kind of clothes?
1 | Diamond? Ruby? Saphire?
1 | It's better than bacon right?
1 | It's because you have korean taste. Do you... know my mother?
1 | Does she live in this neighborhood?
1 | My mother? -No... Why would you mom live in a crappy neighborhood like this?
1 | ...very smart.
1 | My mother...
1 | Help me meet her. I'll let you meet her.
1 | It's time for you to meet her.
1 | You.. are all quite smart.
1 | How'd you learn the language so well? You said this was better than bacon, so eat.
1 | I don't really like this necklace.
1 | Thiis necklace and this dress don't match, right?
1 | They are pretty, why?
1 | Fake stuff is obvious.
1 | Wouldn't the dress look fake too?
1 | Didn't you buy that necklace very expensive? - Not expensive.
1 | 1000 dollars.
1 | A thousand...
1 | Is as much as my daughter's tuition.
1 | Just wear it.
1 | You look quite glamorous, so it's okay.
1 | Is that so?
1 | Let's leave, ma'am.
1 | To get to the studio, we're already late. Let's go.
1 | Are you a stalker?
1 | Mom, Sook-chae is trying to hit me.
1 | Hurry and raise your hands!
1 | Nobody does these kind of things anymore.
1 | Look at my age.
1 | How old are you?
1 | A 28 (?
1 | ) yo with nothing better things to do so she steals a guy's clothing.
1 | -Like I said.
1 | If Yoon's mom finds out, we'll all get kicked out of this house!
1 | Yoon is a star...a star!
1 | And these...these are not Yoon's.
1 | These can be considered to be from Yoon's fans.
1 | How much is this?
1 | How much do you get exactly? -You gonna buy it?
1 | Each one is 30 dollars... with a discount I can give it to you for 150 dollars.
1 | What the...just those are 30 dollars each?
1 | The hankercheif Yoon used to wipe his sweat at his concert.
1 | That sold for 50 dollars.
1 | 50 dollars?
1 | -They put these in auctions.
1 | Things used by Elvis Presley...
1 | those are worth big money!
1 | Unbelievable...
1 | At the house...there are many hankerchiefs Yoon's used to wipe his face and sweat.
1 | Then...we shouldn't washed them, right?
1 | -Exactly. So bring them to me.
1 | So bring that and I'll cut you in.
1 | How much would bowls and dishes sell for?
1 | If we consider some things...
1 | About 1000 dollars.
1 | Call the police, Minchae!
1 | Tell them to take these two away.
1 | Song Eun Chae! - Are you calling?
1 | I finished him off. Sooner than you expected, huh?
1 | You've become so pale.
1 | Aren't you going to take me? You taking me?
1 | Sorry... for confusing you.
1 | I'm making...
1 | Chachang ramen. You want some?
1 | Who it it?
1 | Let me use the restroom.
1 | But who is it?
1 | restroom.
1 | This isn't a public restroom.
1 | I'm going to piss my pants.
1 | Let me use it! -Piss yourself.
1 | Am I stopping you?
1 | What a psycho!
1 | Sis!
1 | What's the problem?
1 | What's wrong that is making your face fired up?
1 | Did you fart in front of Yoon? Hurry up and stop farting!
1 | I need to pee too!
1 | -Go to Yoon's.
1 | What should I do, Minchae?
1 | -Are you constipated too?
1 | There is a guy who came from Australia to see me.
1 | I met him when I followed Yoon to shoot his CF.
1 | I got helped a lot.
1 | -You have a boyfriend?
1 | Not me, just that person.
1 | Not you, him?
1 | -Yeah. It seems he's fallen for me.
1 | I feel so sorry, what I should I do?
1 | He's fallen for you're saying he's come all the way from Australia for you.
1 | Did you sleep with him?
1 | Did you?
1 | Yes.
1 | I was freezing to death so we held each other. I think that's when he started to fall for me.
1 | You must be crazy!
1 | -That's what I'm sayin.
1 | How could you? The world's gonna end.
1 | No.
1 | It's not that.
1 | Oh, how disgusting.
1 | For how long have you guys been in here?
1 | Sookchae, aren't you done?
1 | Eunchae, Minchae...aren't you done washing up?
1 | -We are done.
1 | We'll be out soon.
1 | Then come out.
1 | Your father has to use the bathroom too!
1 | Mom! -What?
1 | Eunchae said she slept with a guy.
1 | We must prepare a gift.
1 | No!
1 | We did sleep but not in that way!
1 | I haven't even kissed with a guy.
1 | Now I'm seeing things. I feel so sorry.
1 | -Going somewhere?
1 | To see my brother. -Brother?
1 | Oh this.
1 | -What is this?
1 | Mountain Ginseng.
1 | Added some honey on the mountain ginseng or something like that.
1 | Eat it. How can I eat this fragile thing?
1 | -Because it is, you should eat it.
1 | I don't want to.
1 | Your mother bought it for you.
1 | Hey, I can't eat this.
1 | How could I?
1 | You eat it.
1 | Then I'm throwing it away.
1 | My mouth is my mouth. Is your mouth dirty then?
1 | Yoon...
1 | Give it so I can give it to a dog.
1 | -Hey, Ok!
1 | I'll eat it.
1 | Ok now? -Yes.
1 | My mom says she feels great when feeding me delicious food.
1 | I feel great when I do the same for you.
1 | Probably in the past, I might have been your mom or dad.
1 | Eat well and grow a lot, ok?
1 | -Son! Yes? -Yoon, put this on and go.
1 | What is that?
1 | -This is milk oil.
1 | It's great for dark circles.
1 | -Who has dark circles?
1 | So we have to prepare for it beforehand.
1 | I feel like dying when I see your handsome face get dirty.
1 | Eunchae, so what happened with that guy?
1 | Guy? -Sure.
1 | Eunchae's got a boyfriend. She has a boyfriend?
1 | Eunchae?
1 | Who is it? What does he do? -He must be sensitive.
1 | He was even crying.
1 | Eunchae, do a good job.
1 | If you make someone else cry,
1 | Then your eyes will cry blood.
1 | Good luck, Eunchae.
1 | Congratulations, you wicked girl!
1 | Eunchae has no sense for understanding guys.
1 | Why am I feeling upset?
1 | Get in!
1 | I had a cramp.
1 | I almost died.
1 | You can't reveal your fear to God...
1 | You have to crush it first.
1 | That's the only way you make friends with him
1 | When'd you learn how to swim?
1 | I didn't learn.
1 | You weren't taught?
1 | But I haven't learned either.
1 | Then what do I do to become as good as you?
1 | Try your best!
1 | -Then I guess I should come here more often.
1 | But I don't swim!
1 | When I think of my mother,
1 | I feel grateful and I start to cry,
1 | She gave birth to me, and raised me well.
1 | And giving me so much love.
1 | Mom, you are my sunshine and idol.
1 | How is it?
1 | But this place... it seems...
1 | Look over here.
1 | Stripes look great on Yoon.
1 | This is the fifth, ma'am.
1 | -Oh yeah?
1 | This style wouldn't work on anyone but Yoon, right?
1 | But, ma'am, this please is extremely expensive.
1 | Red is great on my son as well.
1 | One second...
1 | Having a great son it hard work too, sis.
1 | Yes,
1 | Yoon? You can't reach him?
1 | He said he was going to meet up with his "brother".
1 | I don't know what he was talking about.
1 | Newspapers? No, I didn't see them.
1 | What? "Kang Minjoo's fling with Chae Yoon"
1 | "Kang Minjoo reveals all:
1 | Love's a just a game to me, I was only playing"
1 | I have to go somewhere.
1 | I'll see you later.
1 | To drive like that?
1 | Would your head crack like that?
1 | Want a hammer? Today I'm gonna die.
1 | And so will she.
1 | No one better stop me.
1 | Come in, Eunchae! Door's open!
1 | Wait, just one more round... Isn't this too much?
1 | Go explain yourself to Yoon.
1 | It seems the interview is out...
1 | You wanna die?
1 | You wanna get beat? You have any idea how much Yoon loved you?
1 | Yoon, the guy you cheated on.
1 | But I can't change who I am.
1 | You know I'm a flirt by nature.
1 | Why do you live this way?
1 | Is this the way you want to live?
1 | Why do you live so recklessly?
1 | Want to end your career? Are you a rock head?
1 | Are you an idiot?
1 | Have you decided to end it all?
1 | You idiot, you dummy, you moron!
1 | You done hitting me?
1 | Is that all the power you got?
1 | At least you should break a rib or something.
1 | Yoon... I think I like him.
1 | I think because of that...
1 | Maybe because I was really starting to like him...
1 | That's why I did it. What?
1 | You like Yoon, don't you?
1 | I'm a romance scholar.
1 | You think I wouldn't know?
1 | I knew since a long time ago. Who's heard of a friendship between a guy and girl?
1 | What is this girl talking about?
1 | Do you really want to be beat today?
1 | Still
1 | I wanted to go all the way, but I couldn't because of you.
1 | You have him. You can have him.
1 | That's right.
1 | You should be beat!
1 | You need a beating to get you back to your senses.
1 | I'm going to beat you to a pulp!
1 | You're dead, Kang Minjoo!
1 | Can't you stop that, Eunchae?
1 | What gives you the right to hit her?
1 | No one lays a finger on her!
1 | Yoon!
1 | Mind your business from now on.
1 | Don't meddle in ours, Eunchae.
1 | Don't overreact.
1 | You got it?
1 | Go out!
1 | Didn't you hear me?
1 | Get the hell out!
1 | I'm still owe you one.
1 | Don't get hit again,
1 | ..from me or Eunchae.
1 | If someone does this again,
1 | I'm going to kill em.
1 | Be it Eunchae, or me.
1 | I'll kill them all.
1 | Don't do that again.
1 | You'll die too.
1 | And I'll die.
1 | I'm sorry.
1 | I won't be that way again. I'm sorry.
1 | Poor baby.
1 | Are you lost?
1 | Don't cry. Don't cry, ok?
1 | I'll find your mother for you.
1 | Crying is bad.
1 | Santa Clause doesn't give presents to children who cry.
1 | So don't cry.
1 | Hello? This is Perry's mother, right?
1 | Hi, I'm Song Eunchae...
1 | What's the capitol of Australia?
1 | Don't you even know the capital of your own country?
1 | Canberra. Isn't it Sydney?
1 | -Canberra.
1 | Was it changed?
1 | What about our country?
1 | Seoul.
1 | So you're not demented.
1 | Then ok. Let's go out.
1 | Are you embarrassed?
1 | Is looking at my face difficult for you?
1 | You're introverted, I see.
1 | I didn't think so.
1 | Try some of mine. This is what couples do when they go out.
1 | It's called being affectionate.
1 | You're ashamed. You're so cute.
1 | -Please be quiet.
1 | I'll be asleep for 5 minutes, so please.. be quiet.
1 | Are you ok?
1 | Hey! Wake up!
1 | Get it together!
1 | Have some. -It's ok.
1 | You eat it.
1 | Eat!
1 | -I don't eat eaten food.
1 | But Eunchae does.
1 | She has the stomach for that.
1 | Am I a stranger?
1 | -Sorry.
1 | That's my personality.
1 | I don't eat from my mother's leftovers either.
1 | -Bathroom.
1 | Do you get home safe, Eunchae?
1 | About before...
1 | I was out of line.
1 | You're not upset, are you?
1 | Actually, I didn't mean to offend you.
1 | Why isn't she saying anything?
1 | Hello?
1 | Isn't this Song Eunchae's cell phone?
1 | -The owner has fainted.
1 | Her dad says he's coming now.
1 | Where is over there?
1 | Sir, sir!
1 | Please wake up.
1 | Are you ok?
1 | They won't even budge.
1 | Pardon me!
1 | Excuse me.
1 | They fainted while kissing.
1 | Eunchae!
1 | She's like this when she's drunk.
1 | I can't pull them apart.
1 | What happened?
1 | These two... were drinking and then they kissed and...
1 | Get it together!
1 | Help me lift her.
1 | What happened?
1 | How did Moohyuk and Eunchae end up together?
1 | Is he someone you know?
1 | -How do you know him?
1 | He's just a guy I like.
1 | What does he do?
1 | I'm not sure either.
1 | Yoon! -Yes?
1 | What exactly does Eunchae like?
1 | Chicken, rice...
1 | -What doesn't she like?
1 | Ghosts, orangutans, hospitals..
1 | Why do you ask?
1 | Because I'm her father...
1 | Yet I don't know a lot about her.
1 | You've spent more time with her than me, right?
1 | You'll probably know her more than I do. Right?
1 | Is Eunchae...
1 | Is Eunchae promiscuous?
1 | What?
1 | Let go.
1 | You're so strange.
1 | Just leave it. I'll fold it up later.
1 | What? Did you piss the bed?
1 | What secret is this now?
1 | I'm late for school.
1 | Yesterday, who brought me home?
1 | -Dad did.
1 | Mom's having a fit because of you so run like hell when you see her.
1 | You... would you look at my lips...
1 | What about them? How is it?
1 | Does it look they've been kissed?
1 | I'm not sure if it was a dream or not...
1 | It doesn't seem like it was a dream...
1 | Look at them.
1 | Do they look like they've been kissed?
1 | What do kissed lips look like anyway?
1 | -I wouldn't know.
1 | Since I never kissed anyone.
1 | -What did you do yesterday?
1 | Well, exactly....
1 | But you've read a lot of weird books, so wouldn't you know?
1 | I wouldn't know either...
1 | Your lips seem bruised and swollen.
1 | In my estimation, you were kissed.
1 | They say the body remembers what your brain doesn't.
1 | Kiss that guy again.
1 | What?
1 | Kiss. -You crazy? Whatever.
1 | Forget it! Sister!
1 | I'm not liking these dishes.
1 | Where might the Italian china be?
1 | Don't move a step!
1 | Who are you?
1 | -You're hurt, stay still!
1 | Aren't you Eunchae's boyfriend?
1 | But why are you here?
1 | Where's the medicine?
1 | Yoon!
1 | Where's the medicine! Son!
1 | Yoon is asleep!
1 | Where's the medicine!
1 | What's going on?
1 | Who is that man? -Who?
1 | Ah, that's Moohyuk. -Why is he at our house.
1 | I brought him over last night.
1 | He was too drunk. -I told you not to bring just anyone in!
1 | But he was drunk and we didn't where he lives.
1 | You don't even know where he lives, you don't even know him well.
1 | Why bring him here?
1 | Are you common man?
1 | You're in show business.
1 | Quiet. He'll hear us.
1 | -Who do you take after that you can act this way?
1 | Since you're my mother, probably after you.
1 | I got to take a leak, I'll be back.
1 | That guy scares me.
1 | Tell him to leave, please.
1 | -What's scary about him?
1 | He won't eat you.
1 | I'm going to wash, so just stay around.
1 | Hey!
1 | Then I'll go with you to the bathroom.
1 | Were you hurt?
1 | -Yeah, I was hurt a lot, I'm bleeding.
1 | I can't live. ... Put some medicine on it.
1 | Let me borrow this for a while.
1 | Am I a joke to you?
1 | If you show up again... and you're dead!
1 | Will she be ok?
1 | -She'll be fine. It was a good thing to stop her bleeding.
1 | Buy some kimbop!
1 | Buy some dukkbogi!
1 | Have you sold a lot?
1 | It's blood!
1 | You should go the hospital.
1 | Why... did you tell me?
1 | My mother...
1 | What would I do about it?
1 | What would I do about it, old man!
1 | Do whatever you want.
1 | Whatever you want. All done.
1 | Go to the hospital. My mother...
1 | That lady...
1 | Did she wrong you too?
1 | Yes. Galchi, let's have dinner together tonight.
1 | Let's make jorim.
1 | Kang Minjoo has avowed her relationship with Chae Yoon today.
1 | I've worked hard the past 3 years
1 | With her alone
1 | I can give up everything else in the world.
1 | Without her,
1 | I don't feel alive.
1 | What are your feelings toward Chae Yoon?
1 | Chae Yoon is the nicest and most honest man I know.
1 | I've done him a lot of wrong,
1 | But I'm determined to make it up to him.
1 | I didn't think love was real, But through Yoon, I've come to believe.
1 | He's scary, just tell him to leave.
1 | Do whatever you want.
1 | Both of them have opened their hearts and the public agrees they match well.
1 | They're rising in popularity.
1 | Due to today's conference, the issue is getting hot.
1 | Live happily, Yoon!
1 | If you hurt him, I won't leave you alone, Minjoo!
1 | Be happy together!
1 | Who are you?
1 | Can't you recognize your mother and sister?
1 | Why are you guys staring at me?
1 | Is there something on my face? -There is.
1 | No joking, lots of stuff on your face.
1 | Ah alright, alright!
1 | I already made a promise.
1 | Today at five, at the Seoul Hotel first floor coffee shop... a guy...
1 | About 26 yo...
1 | Your "date"...
1 | (for marriage)
1 | I'm set up for a "marriage interview", mom?
1 | Alright alright.
1 | If this date gets cancelled, I'm going to dig a hole and bury myself.
1 | -It's not a threat.
1 | Mom looked at a coffin a while ago.
1 | I looked at a blackish copper coffin.
1 | -Give it up, mom.
1 | If Eunchae goes on this date then I'll immediately go into Seoul University.
1 | Well yeah.
1 | If Eunchae goes... then I'll give you this bed, mom.
1 | Yah yah...
1 | If she goes on this date be the mother.
1 | I'll go on the date.
1 | With news as good as that, you should have told me sooner.
1 | If that person is wonderful, can I propose to him first, mom?
1 | Do you not like me?
1 | It's not that I don't like you.
1 | You're just not my type.
1 | What is your type?
1 | It's hard for me to say... Do you want to draw your type then?
1 | Ten minutes haven't even passed.
1 | How can you tell if I'm your type or not?
1 | If you look at me close enough...
1 | I might be your type. - I can tell in one minute.
1 | How do you figure that in a minute, huh?
1 | Nonsense. - I can. It doesn't make sense.
1 | Tell me the truth. What exactly don't you like about me?
1 | How can I... .. tell you that?
1 | Tell me. It's alright.
1 | Since you're asking...
1 | I really don't like your appearance.
1 | What about my appearance?
1 | Take a look in the mirror.
1 | I have to get to the broadcast station fast so I don't think I can take you home.
1 | That's why I brought my car too. I'll call you.
1 | How can I help you?
1 | Hey! -Lady!
1 | Lady?
1 | - You...
1 | Where do you put your eyes when driving?
1 | Look here, guy. - Lady, my baby is..
1 | Take your car out now.
1 | Didn't you hear me?
1 | -I didn't know.
1 | When I was parking, I didn't feel a thing.
1 | I didn't know.
1 | Take the car out.
1 | I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'll pay you.
1 | If this isn't enough, leave me with your number. You know who I am right?
1 | I'm Kang Minj...
1 | What is this?
1 | What do you think you're doing?
1 | Are you trying to toy with me?
1 | But, you picked the wrong person, man.
1 | I'm Kang Minjoo!
1 | Shut your mouth and pull your car out. Leave my site by one minute, lady!
1 | Chae Yoon! -Oh hyung,
1 | Where were you? -Where are you? Broadcasting station.
1 | Wanna come over?
1 | Am I officially your manager from today?
1 | -Yeah, the official work starts from tomorrow.
1 | Wait for ten minutes. I just got in a taxi...
1 | What a sad doggy dog.
1 | So you're not crazy. Fine then.
1 | Let's date.
1 | Do I look like a pushover to you?
1 | You, if you appear before me again...
1 | Why is that sound coming all the way through here.
1 | Sangchae, wake up!
1 | There is a picture shoot today, right?
1 | Yoon.
1 | Son.
1 | Wake up and wash and then let's get to the picture shoot.
1 | Not waking up?
1 | Get up, get up!
1 | Go out with your son, why don't you?
1 | Disgusting!
1 | I may have given birth to you but you guys are pathetic!
1 | Today...
1 | Fire!
1 | Fire! Sonchae!
1 | Fire!
1 | Stop playing!
1 | Are you up?
1 | For a while now. Then why pretend to be asleep?
1 | Just because.
1 | I didn't want to open my eyes so I just lazily stayed put.
1 | Yoon and his mother Today there going to have a photo shoot.
1 | Are you sick?
1 | Look at the sweat.
1 | You even have a fever!
1 | I'm a little sick I guess.
1 | Do you think you can go? I mean, what's going on with you? It's ok.
1 | I'll be fine.
1 | Hello doggy dog.
1 | Sleep well?
1 | Did you sleep well?
1 | -Yes. Good morning.
1 | Wake up Yoon.
1 | I can't do a thing to wake him up.
1 | -He's still sleeping?
1 | Yeah, he went to sleep at dawn. He said he dreamed of a ghost.
1 | He even came into my room and slept with me.
1 | Don't tell Minjoo about Yoon being this way.
1 | - Being what way?
1 | Like not being able to sleep after a scary dream, like how he's afraid of ghosts at his age.
1 | Sure.
1 | Yoon, wake up!
1 | You have a shoot to go to.
1 | Wake up, it's late.
1 | People are waiting for you.
1 | Are you going to cancel?
1 | I'm going to cancel.
1 | Wake up. Oh, good boy! I'm not good!
1 | You know about the Kong Kong Ghost right?
1 | The ghost who died falling down from a three story building?
1 | The ghost who walks on its head like... kong kong kong.
1 | The kong kong ghost is searching for the person who pushed her to her death.
1 | Pusher's name is Chae Yoon.
1 | Kong kong kong.
1 | Just now, it opens the door and enters.
1 | Kong kong kong.
1 | It's gotten into the living room...
1 | Kong kong kong.
1 | It crawls up the stairs... Has it reached Yoon's room?
1 | He's not in here...
1 | Kong kong kong.
1 | Then after that, it goes back downstairs...
1 | Kong kong kong.
1 | Finds out that Yoon is in his mom's room.
1 | There is something laying down by your side.
1 | Why don't you get off of me and go. Get off.
1 | -Don't want to.
1 | Hey, am I your wife?
1 | Am I your mother? It feels gross.
1 | What did you just say?
1 | I'm gross? Yes, you are.
1 | That makes me depressed, Eunchae!
1 | Really depressed. I'm not going to the shoot today.
1 | -Go or don't go. Is she on drugs?
1 | I should emigrate.
1 | Am I really that sick?
1 | Concentrate, Eunchae!
1 | Concentrate.
1 | Why did you poke me?
1 | Hey, it is you.
1 | -Why poke me?
1 | I thought I was hallucinating...
1 | and wanted to check...
1 | Do you like me too?
1 | -No! They why poke a man standing still?
1 | You do you like me, right?
1 | So that's why you poked me? No!
1 | Your face isn't looking well.
1 | You sick somewhere? -No.
1 | You look sick.
1 | - No.
1 | Your face is pale.
1 | Is no the only thing you can say?
1 | - No. You hate me? -No...
1 | Am I a joke to you?
1 | Do I look like a pushover?
1 | If you show up even once more ... then you'll really be dead!
1 | I warned you, didn't I?
1 | That if you showed up again, I'd kill you?
1 | I do what I say.
1 | If I say I'll kill you, I do it.
1 | Kill me.
1 | You are crazy, huh? Yeah.
1 | -Are you schizo?
1 | Go. Just go.
1 | Go back to your country.
1 | Go back to Australia. Go, I said go.
1 | I don't like you.
1 | You're seriously not my type.
1 | I don't even like thinking about guys like you, so leave.
1 | Leave, please!
1 | What are you doing, Eunchae? Who are you to tell my bro to go or not?
1 | Sleep well?
1 | You sleep well too, bro?
1 | When'd you get here? - 1 hour.
1 | - I have a photo shoot with my mom today.
1 | Let's leave together when she comes out. Sure.
1 | This man... the new manager is this man?
1 | -That's right, why? Are you nuts?
1 | Are you crazy?
1 | How can you hire a dude like this?
1 | How can you talk like that? A dude like him?
1 | He's older than you are.
1 | And... Are you on drugs today?
1 | From this point on, I'm not you're coordinator.
1 | Hire someone else. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
1 | We're late because of me, right?
1 | Mom, Eunchae says she won't be my coordinator from today.
1 | -Don't know.
1 | She says I should hire someone else.
1 | -Why, Eunchae?
1 | Did Yoon do something wrong again? How could he hire anyone else?
1 | Except for you, no one can handle Yoon.
1 | It's not that.
1 | -Our Yoon...
1 | I'll scorn him later.
1 | Lets go right now, we're late.
1 | You?
1 | He's my manager since yesterday, mom. You know Moohyuk, right?
1 | It must be 'that day' for Eunchae.
1 | She's weird.
1 | She says I'm disgusting.
1 | And a while ago, she swore at Moohyuk.
1 | She's random, that girl.
1 | -She is a grown-up woman...don't call her girl.
1 | That person, Eunchae did you get him to work?
1 | No.
1 | No, ma'am.
1 | Isn't he your boyfriend, Eunchae?
1 | No, nothing like that.
1 | Later... if you ask me who I'd choose between Moohyuk and you,
1 | I'd choose Moohyuk!
1 | Got that!
1 | Why?
1 | Because Moohyuk is cool!
1 | He's not a snob like you.
1 | If anyone talks foul about him again,
1 | I won't leave that person alone, no matter who.
1 | Got it?
1 | If I'm a star, I'm a star.
1 | No, dirty and filthy... and disgusting right?
1 | You should at least say something.
1 | Yoon. -What?
1 | Let's break away with no hard feelings.
1 | It's our last day, so I want to end it nicely.
1 | Are you really going to quit?

# coding: utf-8
It is a simple script for test different model.
import random
import pandas as pd
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationArgs
from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel

def main() -> None:
    """ Entry point """
    train_data = []
    val_data = []
    test_data = []

    with open("data.log", "r") as f:
        data =


    for i in range(len(data)):
        label, feature = data[i].split(" | ")
        label = int(label)

        if i < 700:
            train_data.append([feature, label])
        elif i < 800:
            val_data.append([feature, label])

    train_df = pd.DataFrame(train_data)
    val_df = pd.DataFrame(val_data)
    test_df = pd.DataFrame(test_data)

    train_df.columns = ["text", "labels"]
    val_df.columns = ["text", "labels"]
    test_df.columns = ["text"]

    # Args
    model_args = ClassificationArgs(

    # Create a classification model
    model = ClassificationModel(


    # Predict
    predictions, raw_outputs = model.predict(["今天天氣真好"])

if __name__ == "__main__":




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