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[MacOS] Application For Screen Splitting: SizeUp

Last Updated on 2021-09-18 by Clay

When I switched from Linux to Mac OS, when I first passed the time in the desktop environment and tried to open various adjustment settings interface, I felt the most different is: Mac OS have no shortcut key to "move the two windows to arrange on both sides".

This is an important function for me. Sometimes I want to check information and programming together.

A friend who have used MacBook for many years don't seem to care about this.

He: You just turn on the full screen, and swipe left and right with trackpad to watch screen.
I: It's so difficult.
He: I do it this way.

But I not used to it. So I checked the Internet and found that this can be done easily by simply installing an auxiliary program written by the developer.

This is the application I want to record today: SizeUp.

Download And Install SizeUp

SizeUp does not seem to be on the App Store, so you need to download it from its official website:

After downloading, it is a .zip compressed file, which is a format that Mac OS can directly decompress.

We can run SizeUp now.

You will see the following interface. By the way, if you need system permissions or something, it is normal, after all, the software will need to help you set shortcut keys, please don't be nervous.

You also need to add access permissions to the SizeUp when you use it for the first time.

After the setting is successful, you can automatically arrange the windows through control + option + command + up/down/left/right arrow keys.


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